Academic journal costs

The request was successful.

Dear Middlesex University,

For the years 2017, 2018, and 2019, please publish the total amount paid to each of the following publishers for academic journals:

Taylor & Francis
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press
Nature Publishing Group*
Royal Society of Chemistry
Institute of Physics Publishing

I understand that your expenditure records may be held in academic financial years rather than calendar years. If so, I am happy for the response to be provided in the same format, with figures for 2016/17, 2017/18, and 2018/19. (Although 2019 has not ended yet, my understanding is that payments for access to journals for 2019 are likely to have all been made by now.)

The figures should include payments made directly to the publishers as well as any payments made to subscription agents or intermediaries for the purchase of, and/or access to, the publishers' academic journals. They should also include payment for journal packages such as Jisc Collections agreements, as well as for individual journals. Please include VAT where possible, and indicate whether or not figures include VAT.

* Although Springer Nature is the parent company for these two publishers, my understanding is that Springer journals and Nature journals are still paid for separately, so I think it makes sense to regard these as two different publishers with different expenditure amounts.

Yours faithfully,

Stuart Lawson

John Gilchrist, Middlesex University

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lawson,


I acknowledge your request for information received on 28 September 2019.


Your request is being considered and if the information is held you will
receive the information requested within the statutory timescale of 20
working days as defined by the Freedom of Information Act 2000, subject to
the information not being exempt.


I may contact you if the request needs to be clarified; this is to ensure
that we provide you with the information you require.


Please note that some information you have requested may not be provided
to you; this will only be information that can be withheld by law.  In
most cases the reasons will be explained to you along with your copy of
any information that can be released to you.


If for any reason we are unable to provide you with a full response within
the statutory timescale, we will contact you explaining the reasons for
this and giving a revised date by which we will reply.


Please note that the information you supplied with your request will be
retained on file by the University for the purposes of processing your
request and statistical analysis and audit. Your personal information will
only be accessed by authorised University staff and will be held in
accordance with the GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.


Best wishes,



John Gilchrist

Data Protection Officer


Middlesex University

The Burroughs


London NW4 4BT

T: +44(0) 208 411 4061

E: [1][email address]

W: [2]




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1. mailto:[email address]

John Gilchrist, Middlesex University

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Lawson,


Please see attached the response to your FOI request made on 28 September


Best wishes,



John Gilchrist

Data Protection Officer


Middlesex University

The Burroughs


London NW4 4BT

T: +44(0) 208 411 4061

E: [1][email address]

W: [2]




For further information as to how we process personal data:



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1. mailto:[email address]

Dear John,

Thank you very much for providing this data. For your information, the collated data from all institutions is available here:

In my original request I asked for separate figures for Springer journals and Nature journals, rather than a combined one. I'll only be able to add these to the completed spreadsheet when they are disaggregated, so would you be able to provide separate figures for me please?

Yours sincerely,

Stuart Lawson

John Gilchrist, Middlesex University

Please note I am out of the office on annual leave until Monday 2 March.


I will respond to your message as soon as possible on my return.

Thanks, John.