Abertay Student Accomodation Running Costs
Dear University of Abertay Dundee,
Under Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, I wish to receive the following information within 20 working days. Please provide the information in a comprehensive set of documents, if possible in a single one.
1) For each accommodation offer the University Accomodation services has, the number of students currently in accommodation under each offer (including Parker House accommodation figures).
2) The total number of rooms available on offer for each of these offers, the number of these that are together in flats, as well as the total number of these flats (including that information for Parker House accommodation).
3) How much it costs (per week) to run each type of room on offer for the year 2018-19 (including shared incurring costs from the rest of a flat that room is a part of). How much it costs (per week) to run each type of flat as a whole for the year 2018-19 (including detailed costs for services, internet, electricity, heating and water). How much it is projected to cost to run all of Abertay University's offered accommodation, including costs for services, internet, heating, electricity and water, for the year 2018-19. Please provide all of the above for Parker House accommodation as well.
4) How much, in total, the university is projected to receive from student tenants in the year 2018-19, how much of that will go back into accommodation and accommodation services, as well as how much goes to accommodation from other sources of University income, and what those sources are. Please provide the same information for Parker House accommodation.
5) What the relationship between Abertay University and IQ Accommodations exactly is and which organisation sets the rent prices in that relationship.
6) In addition, all of the information requested in the 5 sections above (including information for Parker House), for the following academic years: 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18.
Yours faithfully.
Mr O C Wright
Dear Mr Wright,
Thank you for your enquiry, which has been logged and passed to the relevant department within the University for processing. Please quote the reference number on the subject line above, should you need to contact the University regarding this request.
The University will make every effort to provide you with the information requested; if any clarification is required, the University will contact you as soon as possible.
In some circumstances, it may not be possible to provide you with an answer to your enquiry. Where the University believes this is the case, you will be informed in writing, stating the reason(s).
If the information you are seeking is already published by the University, or is otherwise available to members of the public, you will be sent details outlining how to access the information.
You will be advised if it is necessary for the University to charge a fee to cover the costs of processing your request. Should this be the case, please note the information cannot be released until such payment is received.
If you have any questions regarding your request for information, please contact the FOI Mailbox (details below).
Yours sincerely,
FOI Processing
Academic Registry
Abertay University | Bell Street | Dundee | DD1 1HG | E [University of Abertay Dundee request email] T 01382 308000
Dear Mr Wright,
Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.
Yours sincerely,
FOI Processing
Academic Registry
Abertay University | Bell Street | Dundee | DD1 1HG | E [University of Abertay Dundee request email]
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