A List of Commercial Property not currently Receiving Small Business Rates Relief
Dear Sir/Madam,
Re: List of commercial properties not receiving small business rate relief
Please can you provide me with the following information under the Freedom Of Information Act 2000:-
(a) addresses and rateable values of Commercial properties that are within your District Council up to a rateable value of £11,000 who are eligible for, but not currently receiving small business rate relief;
(b) the names of the owners of those properties referred to in (a)
Yours faithfully,
Stephen Ball
Thank you for your request for information and I confirm we shall respond as quickly as possible but not later than 29 January 2010.
Wendy Kassamani
Information Compliance Officer
Brighton & Hove City Council
Tel: 01273 296636
Regarding your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000: Ref: foi/03/09
"Small Business Rate Relief"
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"See attachment"
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If you have any queries regarding this process, please contact me via the
contact details below.
Wendy Kassamani
Information Compliance Officer
Brighton & Hove City Council
Hove Town Hall
Norton Road
Hove, BN3 4AH
Tel: 01273 296636
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