A list of all schools/colleges in England, Scotland & Wales
Dear Office for Standards in Education,
We would like an excel spreadsheet detailing all Primary, Secondary & Middle schools as well as HEI's in England, Scotland and Wales. Please provide the following information as data fields:
Institution name;
Post Code;
Type of School (ie. primary, secondary, HEI etc);
Additional info (if possible)
Student population (no of attending students);
Telephone no.;
Name of Head Teacher;
Yours faithfully,
Craig Chambers
Dear Mr Chambers,
Please find attached our acknowledgement for your request for information.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries.
Yours sincerely
Sally Telford
Information Delivery Co-ordinator
Information Management Team Ofsted
Tel: 03000131249
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Ofsted on Twitter at http://twitter.com/Ofstednews
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Dear Mr Chambers
Please find attached our response to your request for information.
Best wishes
Kerry McTear
Kerry McTear
Information Delivery Officer
Information Management Team
Ofsted | Freshford House | Redcliffe Way | Bristol | BS1 6NL
Direct Tel: 0300 013 1108
Ofsted National Business Unit: 0300 123 1231
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