A Design Association Limited

The request was successful.

Matthew Moran

Dear One North East,

Please provide a summary of the total amount of funding given to A Design Association Limited.

Yours faithfully,

Matthew Moran

Nicola Barnett, One North East

Dear Matthew

Would you be able to specify a time frame for your request?

Many thanks


Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]

" www.onenortheast.co.uk

show quoted sections

Matthew Moran

Dear Nicola Barnett,

I believe you have to complete this within 20 working days, so before then please.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Moran

Nicola Barnett, One North East


Apologies for the confusion, I meant a timeframe for the funding (i.e. last three financial years).

Kind regards

Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]

" www.onenortheast.co.uk

show quoted sections

Matthew Moran

Dear Nicola Barnett,

I would like to know the total amount since the project started up until May 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Moran

Nicola Barnett, One North East


To which project are you referring? Your request does not mention a project, just a company, unless I have received an incomplete email?

Many thanks

Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]

" www.onenortheast.co.uk

show quoted sections

Matthew Moran

Dear Nicola Barnett,

Sorry for the confusion. To clarify:

I would like to know the total amount of money provided to A Design Association Limited up until May 2010.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Moran

Nicola Barnett, One North East

No problem, from which date until May 2010?

Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]

" www.onenortheast.co.uk

show quoted sections

Matthew Moran

Dear Nicola Barnett,

Jan 2003

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Moran

Nicola Barnett, One North East

That's great thanks

Nicola Barnett
Specialist Advisor

Legal Services

One North East

( 0191 229 6817

È07733 465 964

6 0191 229 6227
* [email address]

" www.onenortheast.co.uk

show quoted sections

Jaymes Glew, One North East


Thank you for your e-mail received 19 May 2010 in which you made a request
for certain information from One North East.

I can confirm that we have begun our investigation into your query and
expect to revert to you within the 20 day deadline.

Kind regards

Jaymes Glew

Legal Secretary

show quoted sections

Matthew Moran

Dear Jaymes Glew,

Why does www.entreprenuersforum.tv then state - Funded by One North East?

Please confirm that The Entrepreneurs´ Forum Limited or The Entrepreneurs´ Forum Limited T/A 'If We Can You Can' has received any money from ONE that has been used for www.entrepreneursforum.tv website development, video creation, hosting or anything else linked to this website/project.

Yours sincerely,

Matthew Moran

Jaymes Glew, One North East


Entrepreneurs Forum TV is not funded by ONE - however other parts of the organisation are funded by ONE, primarily around activities, mentoring and campaign activities.

In answer to your original question: EF-TV is paid for by the member subscriptions from Forum members.

The Agency is pleased that The Entrepreneurs Forum have recognised our support to their organisation - despite us not contributing financially to this specific part of their programme.

I hope that this assists. Any questions please get in touch.

Many thanks

Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary

show quoted sections

Jaymes Glew, One North East

1 Attachment


Please find attached ONE's final response to your FOI request,

Many thanks


Jaymes Glew
Legal Secretary & ERDF Week 2010 Co-ordinator

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