A copy of the charity governing document for the Hawker Typhoon Preservation Group

The request was successful.

Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,

Would it be possible to make the governing document for the Hawker Typhoon Preservation Group (HTPG) available under a Freedom of Information Request? (Charity number 1167143)

I send this request on behalf of a number of members of the HTPG as this documentation is not available to us, we have not had an AGM since the charity was founded and we experience an increasing loss of valuable volunteers as the result of erratic behaviour of one of the trustees.

Please advise if the HTPG is a charitable company limited by guarantee or what its actual legal status is.

Many thanks.
Yours faithfully,

Louis Lombert

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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1 Attachment

Dear Louis Lombert


Thank you for your email requesting a copy of the above charity's
governing document.

This is a public document and as such should be shared by the charity's
trustees to members of the charity and members of the public, on request.

I have attached a copy of the charity's governing document, which is a CIO
Foundation constitution.

Your request has been assessed as being made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.  We have applied the exemption under s40(2) of the
Act to the document you requested and have accordingly removed personal
information identified within that document.  The redacted document is

HTPG is a CIO Foundation - the following guidance includes information
about what this legal structure is:


The attached constitution includes the rules regarding meetings of charity
trustees, in clause 15.

I hope this information is useful.

Yours sincerely


Marie Martin

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