a breakdown of the costs involved in the works that were started on 5 April 2017 to remove the scrubland at Windermere Park

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Birmingham City Council should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Birmingham City Council,

I would like a breakdown of the costs involved in the works that were started on 5 April 2017 to remove the scrubland at Windermere Park, Mosley in relation to the use of Windermere Park and Attock cricket club.

I would like details of any other agreed or anticipated costs to carry out this work in relation to this project.

Yours faithfully,

David Moore

Place FOI, Birmingham City Council

Dear David Moore,



Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information FOI 16676


Thank you for your request for information held by the Council under the
provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 which was received on


This has been referred to the relevant service area to identify, locate
and retrieve the information that we hold. 


I would point out that under the Freedom of Information and Data
Protection Act (Appropriate Limits and Fees) Regulations 2004, a local
authority, such as Birmingham City Council, is obliged to respond to
requests for information where the request or related requests can be
complied with within 18 hours of officer time.


If we consider it would take over 18 hours to handle your request we will
let you know.  In some cases it may be that the information could be
provided if a fee is paid for the work to be undertaken. We would then
issue a fees notice which would need to be paid before the request was
handled.   For other requests, it may be possible to offer guidance as to
how the request might be re-scoped to enable information to be provided
within the 18 hours appropriate limit.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact
us via email or on 0121 675 4044 or 303 4596 quoting the reference number
above in any future communications.





Stuart Rimington

Professional Support Officer

Governance and Compliance

Performance and Support Services

The Place Directorate

P/O Box 2122

3^rd Floor Council House Extension

6 Margaret Street

B3 3BU

303 4596

[email address]





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Place FOI, Birmingham City Council

1 Attachment

Dear David Moore,


Freedom of Information Act 2000 – Request for Information


I am writing in respect of your recent request for information held by the
Authority under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.


Please find our final response attached.






Stuart Rimington

Professional Support Officer

Governance and Compliance

Performance and Support

Place Directorate

P/O Box 2122

3^rd  Floor Council House Extension

6 Margaret Street

B3 3BU.

[1][email address]


show quoted sections


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Place FOI,

The information you have given is not correct, the works were not put on hold, it was partly completed work in progress. Work was commissioned by Mike Hinton M.Hort(RHS)Cert Ed(FE) District Parks Manager – East Quadrant of Birmingham City Council.

Work was commenced on site on 5 April 2017 by an approved contractor appointed by Birmingham City Council, therefore an official work or purchase order will have been raised or an instruction given to commence and authorise the work. This is standard council procedure.

The appointed contactor will invoice the council for the cost of the work completed, therefore the information is available.

Yours sincerely,

David Moore

Place FOI, Birmingham City Council

Dear David Moore

I have referred your comments to the Service Director for a response.

Val Llewellyn
Professional Support Services Adviser
Governance and Compliance
The Place Directorate

show quoted sections

Place FOI, Birmingham City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Moore

Please see the attached supplementary response to your email.

I apologise for the delay in responding.

Val Llewellyn
Professional Support Services Adviser
Governance and Compliance
The Place Directorate

show quoted sections