A259 corridor improvements

The request was successful.

Dear West Sussex County Council,

Please could you provide me with the details of the provision for pedestrians and cyclists both alongside (or parallel) and across the dualled A259 as part of the A259 corridor improvements from A259/A284 roundabout in the west to the A259/A280 roundabout in the east. By details I mean:
1) what research has been carried out on current levels of walking and cycling as well as the suppressed demand for walking and cycling and what tools were used to do this?
2) what is actually being provided?
3) to what standards are these being built to, including widths of paths, radii of turns, etc?

I would also be grateful to know which stakeholders have been involved in informing these designs (for people walking and cycling) and when this has occurred.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Todd

Freedom of Information Act,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Todd,


Thank you for your enquiry, which has been forwarded to the appropriate
officers for a response.  The usual timescale for a response is twenty
working days, that is by or on 4 March 2019.


If for any reason the Council needs to extend this timescale you will be
notified in accordance with the relevant legislation.


Please note that in 2012 the County Council adopted a position in
principle that FoI and EIR requests to West Sussex County Council and the
Council's responses may be published on the Council's website in a
suitably anonymised form. This is in addition to the individual response
to the requestor, and in line with the Council's commitment to
transparency and open data.   


Yours sincerely,


Duncan Macdonald

Customer Relations Officer



Freedom Of Information |  [1]West Sussex County Council | Location:
County Hall, Chichester PO19 1RQ
E-mail: [2][email address]





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CI Group FOI,

7 Attachments

Reference: 3003277/1085828


Dear Mr Todd,


I refer to your request dated 2^nd February 2019, which has been dealt
with under the Freedom of Information Act.


Your request related to A259 corridor improvements.


We have now completed a search for the information which you requested and
confirm that this authority holds the data relevant to your request.


Question 1 - what research has been carried out on current levels of
walking and cycling as well as the suppressed demand for walking and
cycling and what tools were used to do this?


We undertook a cycle and pedestrian flow count between Highdown Drive and
the Bodyshop roundabout to establish the level of provision required at
this location. Flows were compared against LTN1/12 width guidance.

The remainder of the scheme was designed without any specific research on
current levels of walking and cycling or suppressed demand for walking and
cycling. This is because cycle facility provision was not an element in
justifying the overall road scheme, but the inclusion of cycle
infrastructure is WSCC policy and practice to provide.

The suppressed demand for cycling facilities has been established though
stakeholder consultation involving local cycling groups and District and
Parish Councils. Please see the attached map and follow the link to the
WSCC [1]Walking & Cycling Strategy. These schemes have been ranked and
prioritised using the Sustrans weighting tool, which considers a number of
criteria as set out in the document.


Question 2 - what is actually being provided?


Cycle routes are shown on the attached drawings in green, footways in pale
blue, and crossing facilities are labelled.


Question 3 - to what standards are these being built to, including widths
of paths, radii of turns, etc?


The standards to which the footways and cycle paths were required to be
designed is the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges. The relevant section
of DMRB is [2]TA91/05 which commends the use of [3]LTN2/08 and [4]LTN1/12
in cycleway design.


The width of proposed footways is 2m or 2.6m.

The effective width of proposed shared pedestrian cycle facilities is
nominally 3m except for a short 30m section adjacent to the Roundstone
Public House where this is reduced to 2m in order to reduce the scheme’s
reliance on compulsory purchase of land.


The minimum radii of cycle paths occurs at crossing points and route
intersections where speeds are very much reduced because of an immediate
requirement to stop or give way. These changes of direction take place
instantaneously but are compliant with advice in LTN 2/08 paragraph 2.6.4.
Elsewhere much larger radii curves can be achieved to suit the design
speed. Please see attached plans.


The information supplied to you continues to be protected by the
Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. You are free to use it for your
own purposes, including any non-commercial research you are doing and for
the purposes of news reporting. Any other reuse, for example commercial
publication, would require the permission of the copyright holder. Most
documents supplied by us will be copyright of West Sussex County Council.


Information you receive which is not subject to WSCC copyright continues
to be protected by the copyright of the person, or organisation, from
which the information originated. You must ensure that you gain their
permission before reproducing any third party (non WSCC) information.


If you have any queries about any of this information, please contact me.


If you are unhappy with the way your request has been handled, you may
wish to ask for a review of our decision via the ‘[5]FOI inbox’. 


If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally,
the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted our internal
review procedure. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

The Information Commissioner's Office,

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF.


Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future


Kind regards


Matt Terzian

Customer Service Officer

Residents’ Services – Communities

West Sussex County Council

[6]Description: Description: Description: Description: Description:
Description: Description:
cid:image001.gif@01D06556.CD09F8C0 [7]Description: Description:
Description: Description: Description: Description:

Location: Highways Customer Service Hub, Durban House, Durban Road,
Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9RE
Contact: External: 01243 642105 | E-mail:
[8]ci.group.[West Sussex County Council request email]


[9]Description: Description: Description: Description:
cid:image004.jpg@01D06556.CD09F8C0^Did you know you can follow West
Sussex Highways on Twitter? [10]^@WSHighways

We’ve launched our new website: [11]www.westsussex.gov.uk





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Dear Matt,

Thank you for the information which covers most of what I asked for. However, while WSCC has said it consulted local stakeholders you didn't answer the question included in my request: I would also be grateful to know which stakeholders have been involved in informing these designs (for people walking and cycling) and when this has occurred.

I would be grateful to know who was consulted and when.

Yours sincerely,

Chris Todd

CI Group FOI,

1 Attachment

Reference: 3003277/1085828

Dear Mr Todd,

Apologies for the delay in responding. Took some time locating the relevant information, but we got there eventually.

Please see the attached spreadsheet which details the stakeholders involved for the A259 improvements.

The information that has been redacted from the disclosed material constitutes third party personal data and I decline to disclose it applying the exemption in s40(2) Freedom of Information Act 2000. Disclosure would be unfair and unlawful as none of the conditions in Article 6 GDPR is met.

Kind regards

Matt Terzian
Customer Service Officer
Residents’ Services – Communities
West Sussex County Council

Location: Highways Customer Service Hub, Durban House, Durban Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO22 9RE
Contact: External: 01243 642105 | E-mail: ci.group.[West Sussex County Council request email]

Did you know you can follow West Sussex Highways on Twitter? @WSHighways
We’ve launched our new website: www.westsussex.gov.uk

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Hugh Coster left an annotation ()

Interesting. Are WSCC not aware that lots of people other than Littlehampton to Worthing use the A259 and cycle facilities? It seems that nobody west of the river Arun is worth consulting.