A106 MbChb Final Year Examination Statistics
Dear University of Manchester,
1) What are the grade boundaries for pass / fail for Final Year medical students sitting the Progress Test of Winter 2015, Summer 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016, Winter 2017, Summer 2017, Winter 2018, Summer 2018?
2) What are the grade boundaries for pass / fail for Final Year medical students sitting the Extended Matching Question paper of Winter 2015, Summer 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016, Winter 2017, Summer 2017, Winter 2018, Summer 2018?
3) How are these scores combined to determine an overall pass/fail mark?
4) What is the cut-off for pass and fail using this combined score?
Yours faithfully,
Imtiaz Bhatti
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Dear Imtiaz,
Thank you for your request for information received by The University of
Manchester on 26 November 2018 which was as follows:
A106 MbChb Final Year Examination:
1) What are the grade boundaries for pass / fail for Final Year medical
students sitting the Progress Test of Winter 2015, Summer 2015, Winter
2016, Summer 2016, Winter 2017, Summer 2017, Winter 2018, Summer 2018?
2) What are the grade boundaries for pass / fail for Final Year medical
students sitting the Extended Matching Question paper of Winter 2015,
Summer 2015, Winter 2016, Summer 2016, Winter 2017, Summer 2017, Winter
2018, Summer 2018?
3) How are these scores combined to determine an overall pass/fail mark?
4) What is the cut-off for pass and fail using this combined score?
A106 MbChb Year 5 Final Year statistics:
5) How many students re-sat 5th year of the MBChB A106 Programme in 2016,
2017 and 2018?
6) How many students failed the final year exempting exams of MBChB A106
Programme in 2016, 2017 and 2018?
7) How many students failed the final year non-exempting exams of the
MBChB A106 Programme in 2016, 2017 and 2018?
8) How many students failed each component of the final year examinations
process during both the exempting and non-exempting examinations in 2016,
2017 and 2018 (E.g. 5 students failed the Exempting examinations of 2017
due to the Progress Test)
The University has now considered your request and our response can be
found below.
1. and 2. We do not operate a pass/fail boundary for the Progress
Test component of the Year 5 examinations or the EMQ paper. Instead, the
exam board only considers an overall mark for these assessments together.
We therefore do not hold the information requested.
3. The scores for the Progress Test and EMQ papers are summed to achieve a
total mark. The pass-score is derived through a modified Angoff-setting
process for all items in the two papers.
4. This varies from year to year. Please see the table below.
| |Unsatisfactory|Low Pass|Satisfactory|Honours|Distinction|
|Exempting 15| <58 | >58 | >65 | >79 | >86 |
|Finals 15 | <58 | >58 | >64 | >78 | >85 |
|Exempting 16| <61 | >61 | >67 | >79 | >87 |
|Finals 16 | <54 | >54 | >59 | >72 | >80 |
|Exempting 17| <54 | >54 | >63 | >79 | >86 |
|Finals 17 | <61 | >61 | >64 | >75 | >83 |
|Exempting 18| <57 | >57 | >64 | >79 | >87 |
|Finals 18 | <59 | >59 | >62 | >73 | >80 |
5. Please see the table below.
|Year|Number retaking Year 5|
|2016| 9 |
|2017| 15 |
|2018| 12 |
6. Please see the table below.
|Year|Number of students who failed exempting examination|
|2016| 49 |
|2017| 32 |
|2018| 57 |
7. Please see the table below.
|Year|Number of students who failed Finals examination|
|2016| 11 |
|2017| 9 |
|2018| 17 |
8. Please see the table below.
| |Number of students who| Number of students who failed |
| |failed OSCE component | written component |
|Exempting 2016| 35 | 26 |
| Finals 2016 | 7 | 6 |
|Exempting 2017| 30 | 5 |
| Finals 2017 | 5 | 6 |
|Exempting 2018| 22 | 39 |
| Finals 2018 | 11 | 7 |
NB. The data provided above are provided, as requested, by number of
candidates and not as a percentage of cohort size which varies from year
to year.
I trust this information is of use to you.
Kind regards
Sharon Glen | Information Officer | Information Governance Office |
Directorate of Compliance and Risk |Professional Services | G6 Christie
Building | The University of Manchester | Oxford Road | Manchester | M13
9PL | Tel +44(0) 161 306 7549| [1]www.manchester.ac.uk
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