Information Assurance and Governance
Office of the Principal
26 July 2021
Dear Judy,
Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
Our Ref: 236-21
I refer to your enquiry dated 28 June 2021 asking to be supplied with information under the
provisions of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (“the FOISA”) in relation to our
A100 Medicine degree programme as detailed below.
For 2021, 2020 and 2019 entry, split into Home, RUK and International fee status:
a) As of the May UCAS deadline for institutions to make their decisions on applications (or
end of cycle, if you do not still hold information for this date), can you please confirm how
many places there were for your A100 course, how many applicants you had, how many
were invited to interview and how many offers were made.
b) Please state the UCAT cut off required for an interview for each of these years for a
standard, non-contextual applicant, for these groups.
The University of St Andrews operates a three-year BSc (Honours) Medicine programme that
has UCAS code A100. Graduates of this programme then go on to complete an
MBChB/MBBS qualification at a Partner Medical School. The following data refers to UCAS
applications to this course only.
The funded and clinical places are regulated and controlled externally to the University and
( Penalties apply if institutions do not keep with in th ese
number controls.
Table 1 in Appendix A provides the number of applications, interviews, offers and entrants to
the A100 Medicine degree programme by academic year of entry and fee group for entry in
academic years 2018/19, 2019/20 and 2020/21.
As we are in the middle of the current admission cycle, data is unavailable at the present time
for applications for entry in academic year 2021/22.
Information Assurance and Governance
01334 462776
The University of St Andrews is a charity registered in Scotland, No: SC013532
There is no cut-off UCAT score. Applicants meeting the specified requirements are ranked on
the basis of their UCAT global score and those ranked in the top 400 or so are invited to
interview. Details on how students are selected can be found on our website at:
How students
are selected - Subjects - University of St Andrews ( .
Information not held
Section 17 of the FOISA requires that a Scottish public authority confirms in writing where
information requested of it is not held. For the reasons given above, no recorded information
is held by the University relevant to the following and notice is given to this effect:
• applications for entry in academic year 2021/22; and
• UCAT cut off score required for an interview.
Your right to seek a review of how your information request was managed
If you are not satisfied with the University’s response and/or our reasoning set-out above, you
have the right to request a review of our decision. The timelines in which this right is available
are set out in section 20(5)(a) and (b) FOISA. In broad terms the right to seek a review must
be exercised within 40 working days of receiving this response.
The Information Assurance and Governance team are currently working remotely due to the
Coronavirus pandemic. Any request for review at this time should be sent by email to
foi@st- stating:
a) your name and address;
b) details of your original request; and
c) the reasons why you are dissatisfied with our response.
If you remain dissatisfied with how your request for information has been dealt with following
Review, you also have the right to apply to the Scottish Information Commissioner (SIC) for a
decision. In the event of an appeal to the SIC, the Commissioner will generally only be able
to investigate the matters raised in the request for review.
Details on how to make an appeal online to the SIC can be found on their website:
sioner.aspx .
This concludes the University’s response.
Yours sincerely
Information Assurance and Governance Officer