A100 medicine statistics

The request was partially successful.

Dear Queen Mary University of London,

My request is regarding statistics for the A100 medicine course. All requests are for the
2018/2019 cycle. If data for the 2018/2019 cycle is not possible, I would like it for the
2017/2018 cycle. Many thanks.

Please can I have the following anonymised data about the candidates who applied:

1. For each applicant, can I know their A-level predicted grades, GCSE grades, UCCAT score, BMAT score, whether they were successful in getting an interview and whether they were successful in getting a place?
2. For each applicant, can I also know whether they were home or international (if so whether they were an EU citizen)
3. Please can I know what type of school the applicant went to (independent, maintained,
grammar, academy or
4. Please could I have a breakdown of their UKCAT and BMAT scores by section
5. How their PS and interview performance was graded or scored
6. Whether they were on a gap year or taking a deferred place

Please can I have all this data in an Excel or at least a machine-readable format?

Yours faithfully,

Mr Holland

QM FOI Enquiries, Queen Mary University of London

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Holland,

Thank you for your email of 30th July 2019. I am pleased to provide the following response.

The attached should answer the majority of your request. In addition, you can find more information published on our website, for instance at https://www.qmul.ac.uk/smd/undergraduate... and by perusing responses to requests at https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/body/quee... a lot of which concern admissions to A100 and A101, including the interview scoring sheet. Each year’s cohort is different.

Please note that personal statements are not graded/scored.

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask QMUL to conduct a review of this decision. To do this, please contact the College in writing (including by fax, letter or email), describe the original request, explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this communication to submit a review request. When the review process has been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information Commissioner to intervene. Please see www.ico.org.uk for details.

Yours sincerely,

Kerry Johnson
Governance Administrator (Council Secretariat)
Queen Mary University of London

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