A100 Medicine, Admissions Statistics
Dear University,
Could I please request the following information be released. The percentage of successful (successful being received an offer) applicants for your A100 Medicine course. That achieved the following GCSE results:
All 9s
Mostly 9s with the odd 8
Mostly 8s with a few 9s
Mostly 8s with a few 9s and 7s
Mostly 7s with a few 8/9s
Mostly 7s with a few 8s and 6s
Mostly 7s with a few 5/6s
Mostly 6s or below
Can the data please be for the year 2021.
Yours faithfully,
Tyler Walter
Dear Mr Walter,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Act request, regarding admissions to Medicine (A100). Please see the information attached.
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
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