A100 Medicine Admissions data 2022

The request was partially successful.

Elizabeth Bailey

Dear University of Edinburgh,

Please may I request some information relating to Medical School Admissions to Edinburgh Medical School for the 2021/22 admissions cycle for Medicine please? I hope you can reply to the questions listed below.
1. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers subjects were studied by students invited to interview?
2. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers predicated grades were invited to interview?
3. What was the applicant to interview ratio?
3. What were the highest and lowest UCAT scores of the candidates that were successful in obtaining an interview?
4. What were the UCAT scores of applicants that were rejected before the interview?
5. Were candidates invited to interview with Situational Judgement Band 4 invited to interview?
6. How many widening access students were invited to interview?
Thank you for your time and assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Elizabeth Bailey

Records Management, University of Edinburgh

We would like to acknowledge that we have received your email.


Information requests (freedom of information requests, environmental
information requests, data subject rights requests)

We will make all efforts to respond to requests promptly, and within
statutory timescales.

Please note that if you have only provided your first (or given) name in
the body of your email your request will not be valid.  To ensure your
request is valid and that the University is obliged to answer it, you must
provide your real name.  If you are making the request on behalf of
someone else you must provide their real name.  The Office of
the [1]Scottish Information Commissioner's guidance on this point explains
that if you do not provide your real name or the name of the person on
whose behalf you are making the request, you will lose your right to
appeal to the Commissioner should you be unhappy with the handling of your
request. The guidance also explains what constitutes a real name for the
purposes of making a request valid. Please refer to the guidance for
further details.


[2]The University of Edinburgh's request privacy notice, which describes
how we use the information you have supplied about yourself and your
request, is published on the University website.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland,
with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th’ ann an
Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.


Visible links
1. http://www.itspublicknowledge.info/Law/F...
2. https://www.ed.ac.uk/records-management/...

CLARK Debbie, University of Edinburgh

Dear Elizabeth


Thank you for your email.


The University of Edinburgh Medical School is renowned for preparing its
students to be world class doctors. The MBChB programme curriculum aims to
ensure that our graduates are caring, competent, confident and reflective
practitioners, and are able to function at the highest level in academic,
hospital or community settings. Further information about the MBChB
) is published on the website.


Medical School Admissions to Edinburgh Medical School for the 2021/22


Please find responses to your questions in order as follows:


1.       All GCE A Level applicants will have Chemistry and one other
science (Human Biology/Biology; Mathematics or Physics) but we have
absolutely no preference as to which of these sciences they present with
and no preference for the third subject whatsoever.  For Advanced Highers
we have no preference whatsoever as to which subjects they present with. 
In order to provide an exact breakdown we would have to individually
research each application record for those invited to Assessment Day
(interview). Doing so would cost more than £100, the limit over which the
University is able to charge a fee for responding to requests.  The level
of the fee is set by legislation, and is set at 10% of any cost over £100,
to a maximum of £50. Please let me know if you would like this charge to
be calculated. The basis on which we calculate the cost of responding to
freedom of information requests is set out in the freedom of information
charging information
on our website.

2.       Again in order to produce this information we would require to
individually research all applications for those invited to our Assessment
Days (interviews).  Doing so would cost more than £100, the limit over
which the University is able to charge a fee for responding to requests. 
The level of the fee is set by legislation, and is set at 10% of any cost
over £100, to a maximum of £50. Please let me know if you would like this
charge to be calculated. The basis on which we calculate the cost of
responding to freedom of information requests is set out in the freedom of
information charging information
on our website.

3.       This information is provided via our Admissions Statistics which
can be found via this link here:

4.       Please be aware that we cannot disclose information from which
individuals could be identified, [such as individual grades and scores
that they achieved], as this would breach the data protection principles
under data protection law.  The Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
does not require us to provide this sort of information as it is exempt
under section 38(1)(b).

Under FOISA it does not matter who makes the request, if we disclose
information to one person we are expected to disclose it to all.  While
you may not be able to identify individuals from the information you have
requested, others, for example students and staff within the Medical
School, may be able to do so. 

We are able to provide average UCAT scores per fee status group who were
invited to assessment day and this can be found via our statistics linked
to above.

5.       As above – the average UCAT scores for all applicants within each
fee status group pre Assessment Day which can be found on our statistics
webpage.  We do not hold data in relation to those specifically ‘rejected
pre Assessment Day’.  Providing this information would mean skilled staff
members using specialist knowledge to create new information.  As the
University is not required to create new information in order to respond
to freedom of information requests we do not hold the information you

6.       No – we do not accept a Situational Judgement Test band 4 –
anyone applying with this would have their application processed as

7.       This information is also provided on our statistics webpage
linked to in 3. above.


Technical exemption

Please note that as this information is available to you through the
University website, it is technically exempt from the University’s
obligation to answer requests for information under the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002. The information is exempt under section
25(1) of this Act, because it is available to you by another route. This
exemption is a technical matter only and does not affect your ability to
obtain the information on-line. If you do not have access to the Internet
or would prefer to receive information in hard copy please let me know and
I will arrange for printouts from the appropriate web pages to be sent to


Right to review

If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask the University to
conduct a review of this decision by contacting  the University's Records
Management Section (www.ed.ac.uk/records-management/about/contact) in
writing (e.g. by letter or email) or in some other recorded form (e.g.
audio or video tape).  You should describe the original request, explain
your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for
correspondence.  You have 40 working days from receipt of this letter to
submit a review request.  When the review process has been completed, if
you are still dissatisfied, you may use the Scottish Information
Commissioner’s guidance on making an appeal
to make an appeal to the Commissioner.  If you do not have access to the
Internet, please let me know and I will provide a copy of the relevant web


Privacy notice for information request applicants

The University of Edinburgh's request privacy notice
which describes how we use the information you have supplied about
yourself and your request, is published on the University website.


Kind regards


Debbie Clark

Admissions Officer

MBChB, Medical Sciences, Biomedical Sciences and Oral Health Sciences

Room SU.219

College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine

The University of Edinburgh

The Chancellor’s Building

Edinburgh BioQuarter

49 Little France Crescent


EH16 4SB










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