A100 Medicine Admissions data 2022

The request was successful.

Elizabeth Bailey

Dear Edge Hill University,

Please may I request some information relating to Medical School Admissions to Edge Hill Medical School for the 2021/22 admissions cycle for Medicine please? I hope you can reply to the questions listed below.
1. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers subjects were studied by students invited to interview?
2. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers predicated grades were invited to interview?
3. What was the applicant to interview ratio?
3. What were the highest and lowest UCAT scores of the candidates that were successful in obtaining an interview?
4. What were the UCAT scores of applicants that were rejected before the interview?
5. Were candidates invited to interview with Situational Judgement Band 4 invited to interview?
6. How many widening access students were invited to interview?
Thank you for your time and assistance.

Yours faithfully,
Elizabeth Bailey

foi, Edge Hill University

Good morning Elizabeth Bailey

Our reference: FOI212214464

Thank you for your email. Your request was received in our offices on 12th June 2022 and is now being processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Under the Act, the University is required to provide you with a response within 20 working days however we will endeavor to get this to you as soon as possible.

The Freedom of Information Act includes a number of exemptions to releasing information. Some of these are qualified exemptions, which require us to consider whether it is in the public interest to disclose or withhold the information. In these circumstances, we may need more time to consider your request, and if this is the case, we will write to you by the date above to inform you of when you can expect to receive a response.

If you have any queries regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact this department directly, quoting the above reference number in all future correspondence.

Kind regards

Lisa Cobain

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foi, Edge Hill University

Good morning Elizabeth Bailey

Our Reference: FOI212214464

Further to your request for Medical School Admission data below, it would be appreciated if you can provide the following clarification in order to further process your request:

1. Do you require a list of all A Level studies or top 3/5 subjects
6. Can you please define the criteria for 'widening access studnets'.

Kind Regards
Lisa Cobain

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Elizabeth Bailey

Dear foi,

Thank you for your speedy response. Of course I can provide clarification.

1) A list of all A Level studies would be helpful
2) As part of your commitment to widening access (as defined on https://www.edgehill.ac.uk/medicalschool...) - how many widening access students were offered places on your 2022 entry for Undergraduate Medical Programme (MBChB)

I hope this helps provide clarity, but please do not hesitate to contact me if you have further questions.
Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Bailey

Elizabeth Bailey

Dear foi,

Thank you for getting back to me. I am happy to clarify my request.

1) A list of the top 5 A Level subjects would be particularly useful please.
2) This is related to your Widening Access or Widening Participation policy within the university, supporting disadvantaged students access medical school. Could you confirm how many of these students applied for A100 and how many were invited to interview please?

Thank you for your time, and should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Bailey

Dear foi,

I am writing to enquire if there has been any development in providing the information I requested on 12th June 2022 please? I have responded twice to clarify the data I am seeking and by law, under all circumstances, you should have replied to my enquiry by now.

Please could you provide an update as soon as possible? Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Bailey

foi, Edge Hill University

2 Attachments

Dear Elizabeth

Our reference: FOI212214501

Sincerest apologies for the delay in responding to your request. I can confirm that your request has now been processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find response details attached.

We trust that this information fully answers your request, however if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review, quoting the above reference number in all communications. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Dr C Hutchinson-Howorth, Director of Strategic Planning at the University.

If you are not content with the outcome of your review you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner requesting he review our decision. You must submit your complaint in writing to the Commissioner within six months of receiving the response to review letter. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Kind regards

Nicole Hughes

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Dear foi,

Thank you so much for the information provided on qualifications submitted and widening access clarification. I noted that I have not yet received a response to other queries within my original request.

Information not provided to the following original requests.
1. What was the applicant to interview ratio?
2. What were the highest and lowest UCAT scores of the candidates that were successful in obtaining an interview?
3. What were the UCAT scores of applicants that were rejected before the interview?
4. Were candidates invited to interview with Situational Judgement Band 4 invited to interview?

Could you kindly clarify please?

Yours sincerely,

Elizabeth Bailey

foi, Edge Hill University

1 Attachment

Good afternoon Elizabeth Bailey

Our reference: FOI222314311

I can confirm that your request has now been processed in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find response details attached.

We trust that this information fully answers your request, however if you are dissatisfied with the handling of your request, you have the right to ask for an internal review, quoting the above reference number in all communications. Internal review requests should be submitted within two months of the date of receipt of the response to your original letter and should be addressed to: Dr C Hutchinson-Howorth, Director of Strategic Planning at the University.

If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner requesting he review our decision. You must submit your complaint in writing to the Commissioner within six months of receiving the response to review letter. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF.

Kind regards

Ricky Rogers

Ricky Rogers (Him / He)
Planning Officer: Information Governance
Strategic Planning and Policy Unit
[Edge Hill University request email]
01695 650785 / INT: 7785
Edge Hill University
St Helens Road, Ormskirk,
Lancashire, L39 4QP

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