A100 Medicine Admissions data 2022
Dear Queen Mary University of London,
Please may I request some information relating to Medical School Admissions to Queen Mary's Medical School for the 2021/22 admissions cycle for Medicine please? I hope you can reply to the questions listed below.
1. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers subjects were studied by students invited to interview?
2. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers predicated grades were invited to interview?
3. What was the applicant to interview ratio?
3. What were the highest and lowest UCAT scores of the candidates that were successful in obtaining an interview?
4. What were the UCAT scores of applicants that were rejected before the interview?
5. Were candidates invited to interview with Situational Judgement Band 4 invited to interview?
6. How many widening access students were invited to interview?
Thank you for your time and assistance.
Yours faithfully,
Elizabeth Bailey
FOI 2022/F234
Dear Elizabeth Bailey,
Thank you for your email.
We are pleased to provide the following responses.
1. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers subjects were studied by
students invited to interview?
It depends on what is meant by ‘typical’. Applicants offer the whole gamut
of A-level subjects but must offer the sciences required by the entry
requirements stated on our website.
2. What typical A Level/Advanced Highers predicated grades were invited
to interview?
It depends what is meant by ‘typical’ but A*AA are currently required
A-level grades. The most commonly occurring UCAS Tariff for 2022 was 224
which is 4 A*s at A-level. Please see this request
3. What was the applicant to interview ratio?
This information will be published on our website in due course and so is
refused under s.22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
4. What were the highest and lowest UCAT scores of the candidates that
were successful in obtaining an interview?
This information will be published on our website in due course and so is
refused under s.22 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
5. What were the UCAT scores of applicants that were rejected before the
The UCAT cut-off score is published with other admissions statistics on
our website and so this part is also refused under s.22 of the Freedom of
Information Act 2000.
6. Were candidates invited to interview with Situational Judgement Band 4
invited to interview?
6. How many widening access students were invited to interview?
If you are dissatisfied with this response, you may ask QMUL to conduct a
review of this decision. To do this, please contact QMUL in writing
(including by fax, letter or email), describe the original request,
explain your grounds for dissatisfaction, and include an address for
correspondence. You have 40 working days from receipt of this
communication to submit a review request. When the review process has
been completed, if you are still dissatisfied, you may ask the Information
Commissioner to intervene. Please see [2]www.ico.org.uk for details.
Yours sincerely
Paul Smallcombe
Records & Information Compliance Manager
Queen Mary University of London
Visible links
1. https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/a...
2. http://www.ico.org.uk/
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