A100 International Medicine Applicants Statistics 2017, 2018, 2019

The request was partially successful.

Dear University of Manchester,

I would like you to answer the following questions regarding the process of application to medicine and selection for interview and offers, for international students in the 2017, 2018, 2019 cycles.

1. What is the number of places for international students studying medicine in 2017, 2018, 2019, as well as the number of international applicants (Undergraduate/Graduate) in 2017, 2018, and 2019?
2. How many of those applicants were offered an interview in each year, and what was their average UCAT score as well as the highest/lowest UCAT score that was offered an interview? In addition, if possible, what was their respective Bands in SJT?
3. Of those international applicants who received an offer, what was the average UCAT score and what was the highest/lowest UCAT score that was given an offer. In addition, if possible, what was their respective Bands in SJT?
4. How important/how much does SJT banding contribute to the chances of an applicant receiving A) An interview, and B) An offer? How many international applicants with SJT Band 3 applied and how many were offered an interview and a place at the university in the past years?
5. How important/how much does the personal statement contribute to the chances of an applicant receiving A) An interview, and B) An offer?
6. Are students who offer more GCSEs/a higher number of A*s or As at GCSE advantaged over those with less GCSEs (A/A*)?
7. Are students who are studying more A-Levels e.g. 4 A-levels, rather than 3 advantaged over such students? Do higher grades in A-Levels give students an advantage over those who only meet the minimum requirements?
8. Does an EPQ (Grade A) affect an application i.e. can it increase the chances of an applicant being offered an interview/offer, or can it possibly make up for a weaker part of the application e.g. weak UCAT score/A-Level grades/low SJT banding, or can it prove useful at interview, for example?
9. Is a foreign language qualification such as the French DELF certificate looked at by the admissions team or useful in any way to applicants? Are other skills/hobbies taken into account/do they hold any value at all, i.e. is it worth mentioning skills/hobbies in an applicant's personal statement?
10. Post-interview, what is used in deciding the final offers given to applicants i.e. UCAT scoring, GCSE/A-Level Grades/predicted grades. If possible, what is the weighting/how much does each factor weigh in when deciding who gets an offer, is it entirely based on scoring at interview or are other factors, such as personal statement, grades, and UCAT score, still factored in?

Yours faithfully,

Saif Al Ramahi

MTRS FOIA, University of Manchester

1 Attachment

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