A100 Application Statistics
Dear Imperial College London,
Please may I have the following data for 2022 entry, 2021 entry, 2020 entry and 2019 entry for your A100 Medicine course:
For each applicant that applied with achieved grades (e.g. due to having taken a gap year), please give:
1. their achieved A Level grades, if any
2. their BMAT scores
3. whether or not they received an offer
Additionally, please give any information you hold regarding preference for or against gap year students for A100 Medicine and how you use A Level grades and BMATscores as part of your decision-making process, both pre- and post-interview.
Thank you in advance.
Yours faithfully,
S. Jacobs
Dear S Jacobs,
Thank you for you Freedom of Information Act request, regarding admissions to Medicine (A100).
We are writing to you further to our duty, contained at Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act, to provide advice and assistance to requesters. Imperial College has compiled an information sheet which addresses the most frequently asked questions we receive regarding admissions to Medicine (A100), please find attached.
We hope that the attached information along with the information published on our website will sufficiently address your queries.
Admission enquiries can be directed to: [email address]
Anita Hunt
Freedom of Information Team
Imperial College London
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