6 percent of learning disabled day care places denied?

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

Your staff made a stastment to the Fermanagh Herald in June , as follows:

"Our (day care) capacity has been reduced and currently sits at 94% attendance against pre-covid levels.

At this phase of the rebuild, attendance has been prioritised for service users living in the community where carer stress has been most experienced over service users living in 24/7 paid service.”

This suggestss that 6% of all day care places for the learning disabled are being denied

a) is that 6% figure across all daycare centres / day care opportunities in WHSCT or in one specific centre?
b) who (which staff member at WHSCT) deemed that 6% was the correct % to withhold from daycare?
c) who (staff member) and what (source) informed that staff member to use the figure of 6%?
d)Is WHSCT stating that the 6% of day care users ,who are having their day care place denied- is also the exact % (six) of adult learning disabled people in WHSCT who live in care homes?
if yes, please explain
if no, please explain

e) Are WHSCT using PHA guidance as an obligation or as a choice.
f) when will those LD adults living in care homes have their day care returned to them.

Yours faithfully,

Joan Corrigan