6% Claim within part 2 of Overseas Operation bill 2021

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

How many troop/veteran claims for personal injury did MOD settle in the 7 years prior to New Overseas Operations Bill (2021). Please give figures for each individual year. If you could also provide that data for how many of those claims were made post 6 years of diagnosis.

Could you Provide the calculation used to get to 'Only up to 6% of claims would be stopped' if Part 2 of Overseas Operations Bill would gain Royal Assent.

Johnny Mercer's claim in both houses during ping pong. Just in case you need to ask him how he arrived at his 6% figure.

Were the 'Live' Gulf War claims part of this calculation?

If not. Why not?


Gavin Roberts


Dear Ministry of Defence,

20 days have passed on this request?


gavin roberts

CIO-FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Mr Roberts,


Thank you for your email dated 16^th December 2023.


I can confirm that your request was received on 22^nd November, logged
under reference FOI2023/14310 and has a statutory 20 working day target
date of 21^st December.


The Information Rights Team has contacted the relevant area of the
department dealing with your request who have advised that they are still
processing your request and are in the final stages of clearance.


They aim to provide you with a response as soon as possible.


We would also like to remind you of your right to complain to the
Information Commissioner about the processing of your request at any time.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9

Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can
be found on the Commissioner's website at [1]https://ico.org.uk/. 


Yours Sincerely, 


Information Rights Team 

Ministry of Defence




show quoted sections


Its ok. Still 2 days left until end of the week . Its Xmas, no need to complain


gavin roberts

SPO DJEP-ClaimsGeneral (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Mr Roberts


Please see attached a response to your recent FOI.


Yours sincerely,


Common Law Claims and Policy


From: CIO-FOI (MULTIUSER) <[1][email address]>
Sent: 20 December 2023 14:48
To: gavin roberts <[2][FOI #1050778 email]>
Subject: 20231220: RE: Freedom of Information request - 6% Claim within
part 2 of Overseas Operation bill 2021


Dear Mr Roberts,


Thank you for your email dated 16^th December 2023.


I can confirm that your request was received on 22^nd November, logged
under reference FOI2023/14310 and has a statutory 20 working day target
date of 21^st December.


The Information Rights Team has contacted the relevant area of the
department dealing with your request who have advised that they are still
processing your request and are in the final stages of clearance.


They aim to provide you with a response as soon as possible.


We would also like to remind you of your right to complain to the
Information Commissioner about the processing of your request at any time.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information
Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9

Further details of the role and powers of the Information Commissioner can
be found on the Commissioner's website at [3]https://ico.org.uk/. 


Yours Sincerely, 


Information Rights Team 

Ministry of Defence




show quoted sections

Dear Ministry of Defence,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Ministry of Defence's handling of my FOI request '6% Claim within part 2 of Overseas Operation bill 2021'.

A year to respond to a simple request of the data used for the Veterans Minister claim that only uo to 6% would be affected by his new discrimitive, unequal employment rights 6 year deadstop againsr some veterans, putting the few on kess rights than prisoners serving time.

Also were the Gulf War Veteran cases that were still live under the 1997 agreement that time limitations would not be used to defend against thousands of Gulf War veterans cases included in the calcukation uo to 6%

Thankyou for this information in advance

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/6...


Gavin Roberts
Sick Veterans and families of those who died far too young.

CIO-FOI (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Roberts,

Thank you for your email in regards to your FOI request reference

Our records show that a response was sent to you on the 21^st December
2023 which is also shown on the full history of your FOI request and all
correspondence at this link - [1]6% Claim within part 2 of Overseas
Operation bill 2021 - a Freedom of Information request to Ministry of
Defence - WhatDoTheyKnow

SPO DJEP-ClaimsGeneral (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence [2]21 December
2023 -

Mr Roberts

Please see attached a response to your recent FOI.

Yours sincerely,

Common Law Claims and Policy

I attached a copy of the response that was sent on the 21^st December

Kind regards

Information Rights Team

Defence Digital | Strategic Command

Ground Floor, Zone D| MOD Main Building | Whitehall | London | SW1A 2HB

show quoted sections


I do not wish to deal with a Commisioner, i want an internal review carried out. Which is my right


Gavin Roberts
Sick Veterans & families whom have lost loved ones gar too young to MOD's Gulf War experimental immunisation programme. 1400%+ increase between the vaccinated nations & the nations that did not subject their troops to experimentation.

CIO-FOI-IR (MULTIUSER), Ministry of Defence

Dear Mr Roberts,

Your email of today has been passed to the Information Rights Compliance
Team as you have requested an internal review into the handling of your
Freedom of Information request, reference FOI2023/14310.  We note that
this response was issued on 21 December 2023.  As advised in the response
itself, requests for an internal review should be submitted within 40
working days of the response being issued. Unfortunately, your request for
a review has missed this deadline, being submitted some 11 months after
the response was issued.  You are therefore out of time for such a

We note that you claim it took this Department "a year to respond to a
simple request".  The handling record shows that you made your request on
22 November 2023 and that you received a response on 21 December 2023; the
latter thus met the requirement of section 10 of the Act to respond within
20 working days of receipt.

Yours sincerely,

MOD Information Rights Compliance Team