5G policy
Dear Carmarthenshire Council,
This is another FOI request regarding 5G.
My last request was answered by Julie John (information officer):
'In response, we do not hold information relevant to your request as
Carmarthenshire County Council does not have a 5G strategy.'
In your manifesto, page.12 (2nd paragraph) it says;
'We will continue to press the UK Government to ensure 4G mobile reception for at least 95% of Carmarthenshire customers by the end of 2018, and the rollout of 5G mobile reception by the end of the term. We will also engage with the Welsh Government’s consultation on the relaxing of planning laws concerning taller masts to tackle ‘notspots’, areas with no mobile signal, in Carmarthenshire.'
1) What is your policy on the rollout of 5G?
2) What research have you got access to in regard to its safety to all life forms?
3) What discussions have you had with Telecommunication companies in regard to 5G?
4) Have you granted permission/s for the erection of transmitters for 5G?
Yours faithfully,
meg plumb
Diolch am eich ebost. Mae hwn yn derbyn sylw a bydd ymateb pellach yn cael
ei ddarparu cyn gynted â phosibl.
Os ydych yn gwneud cais am wybodaeth, bydd y cyfnodau isod yn berthnasol:
Deddf Rhyddid Gwybodaeth 2000/Rheoliadau Gwybodaeth Amgylcheddol 2004 - 20
diwrnod gwaith, oni bai bod angen eglurhad arnom ynghylch y wybodaeth yr
ydych yn gofyn amdano.
Rheoliad Diogelu Data Cyffredinol (ceisiadau am fynediad i ddata personol)
– un mis ar ôl derbyn y cais.
Os bydd angen eglurhad arnom ar unrhyw agwedd o’ch cais, byddwn yn
cysylltu â chi mor gynted ag y bo modd.
Tîm Llywodraethu Gwybodaeth
Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Thank you for your email. This is receiving attention and a further
response will be provided as soon as possible.
If you are making a request for information, the following timescales will
Freedom of Information Act 2000/Environmental Information Regulations 2004
- 20 working days, unless we need clarification regarding the information
you are seeking.
General Data Protection Regulation (requests for access to personal data)
– one month from the receipt of the request.
If we do need to clarify any aspect of your request, we will contact you
as soon as possible.
Information Governance Team
Carmarthenshire County Council
Dear Ms. Plumb
I have made further enquiries regarding below and can confirm that we still do not hold information relevant to your request as we have not had discussions with Telecommunications companies and we have NOT granted permission for the erection of transmitters for 5G.
Thank you
Julie John
Information Officer
Regeneration & Policy/Adfywio a Pholisi
Chief Executive’s Department/Adran Y Prif Weithredwr
Carmarthenshire County Council/Cyngor Sir Gaerfyrddin
Allanol/External (01267) 224498
Mewnol/Internal: 4498
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