54 Arkwright Road (23/04474/DISC) - Consultee comments + missing documents.

Stephen Whiteside made this Freedom of Information request to Croydon Borough Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was partially successful.

Stephen Whiteside

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please provide COPIES of ALL information regarding consultation on the above planning application and ALL comments provided by consultees, including but not restricted to correspondence with the following :
+ Transportation Team
+ Tree Team
+ Ward Councillors

Please note, I am requesting COPIES of each set of comments, NOT a compilation of any comments received. Full justification should be provided for the redaction (or non-disclosure) of any author's name etc. I am particularly keen to know who determined [or advised the case officer] that:
(a) the details submitted and now approved "offer a well-designed and high-quality landscaping proposal", and that
(b)"the cycle storage provision would be broadly compliant with London Plan requirements in terms of the number of spaces provided and the need for cycle storage to be sheltered, secure, and accessible (with horizontal stands in this case)."

Please also provide COPIES of the following documents, which I cannot locate on the Council's website:
+ "play area specification" [Referred to on the approved Proposed Site Plan (1902-06 F), for details of the play equipment]
+ "Knightsbridge 230V IP65 GU10 Indoor / Outdoor Wall Light Specification Sheet"

Yours faithfully

Stephen Whiteside

Stephen Whiteside

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

By law, the authority should normally have responded promptly and by 30 July 2024 at the latest.

Please provide all the information requested, without further undue delay. If I don't receive a full response by 2 August 2024 I will ask the Information Commissioner to intervene.

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Whiteside

croydon@infreemation.co.uk, Croydon Borough Council

2 Attachments

Information Team Croydon
Digital Services
Assistant Chief Executive Directorate
Bernard Wetherill House
7th Floor, Zone B

Contact: Information Team
[email address]


Dear Stephen Whiteside

Request FOI/10210

Further to your request received on 01/07/2024, I confirm that the Council
has now considered your request under the Environmental Information

Please accept our sincerest apologies for the delay in responding to your

Specifically, you have requested the following information:

Please provide COPIES of ALL information regarding consultation on the
above planning application and ALL comments provided by consultees,
including but not restricted to correspondence with the following :
+ Transportation Team
+ Tree Team
+ Ward Councillors

Please note, I am requesting COPIES of each set of comments, NOT a
compilation of any comments received. Full justification should be
provided for the redaction (or non-disclosure) of any authors name etc. I
am particularly keen to know who determined [or advised the case officer]
(a) the details submitted and now approved "offer a well-designed and
high-quality landscaping proposal", and that
(b)"the cycle storage provision would be broadly compliant with London
Plan requirements in terms of the number of spaces provided and the need
for cycle storage to be sheltered, secure, and accessible (with horizontal
stands in this case)."

Please also provide COPIES of the following documents, which I cannot
locate on the Councils website:
+ "play area specification" [Referred to on the approved Proposed Site
Plan (1902-06 F), for details of the play equipment]
+ "Knightsbridge 230V IP65 GU10 Indoor / Outdoor Wall Light Specification

Please find attached information as requested.

Please note that the names and identities of individuals on these
attachments has been redacted, as this would be disclosing personal data
to you,  withholding of personal data as defined by Regulation 12 (3) and
13 of the Environmental Information Regulations. 

Regulation 12(3) says:
(3) To the extent that the information requested includes personal data
which the applicant is not the data subject shall not be disclosed
otherwise than in accordance with regulation 13
Regulation 13 says:
13 – (1) To the extent that the information requested includes personal
data to which the applicant is not the data subject and as respects which
either the first or second condition is satisfied.
13.—(1) To the extent that the information requested includes personal
data of which the applicant is not the data subject and as respects which
either the first or second condition below is satisfied, a public
authority shall not disclose the personal data.

The Council publishes Access to Information requests and responses on its
online Disclosure Log. (Any request included within this log will be
anonymised appropriately)

To view the Council’s Disclosure Log, please visit our website available

[1]The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act | Croydon Council

If you are dissatisfied with the way the Council has handled your request
under the Environmental Information Regulations you may ask for an
internal review. This should be submitted to us within 40 working days of
this response. You can do this by outlining the details of your complaint

Email:        [2][email address]

Writing:     Information Team

London Borough of Croydon

Bernard Weatherill House

Floor 7 - Zone B

                  8 Mint Walk

Croydon, CR0 1EA

Any requests received after the 40 working day time limit will be
considered only at the discretion of the council.

If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Yours sincerely,



Information Team

Croydon Digital Services

Assistant Chief Executive Directorate

Bernard Wetherill House,

Mint Walk,





[3][email address]

[4][email address]



Visible links
1. https://croydon.disclosure-log.co.uk/
2. mailto:[email address]
3. mailto:[email address]
4. mailto:[email address]

Stephen Whiteside

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Croydon Borough Council's handling of my FOI request '54 Arkwright Road (23/04474/DISC) - Consultee comments + missing documents.'.

You have NOT provided copies of the following documents:
+ "play area specification" [Referred to on the approved Proposed Site Plan (1902-06 F), for details of the play equipment]
+ "Knightsbridge 230V IP65 GU10 Indoor / Outdoor Wall Light Specification Sheet"

Please provide the above as soon as possible.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/5...

Yours faithfully,

Stephen Whiteside

Passman, Howard,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Whiteside,

Further to your email dated 31 July 2024, in which you requested an
Internal Review of the Council’s response to your request for information
made under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), I have now
concluded this review and I am able to reply as follows.

In your request for Internal Review, you asked the Council to reconsider
your request as you believed that you had not been provided with the
information requested.

In your request for information dated 1 July 2024 you requested the
following information:

“Please provide COPIES of ALL information regarding consultation on the
above planning application and ALL comments provided by consultees,
including but not restricted to correspondence with the following:

+ Transportation Team

+ Tree Team

+ Ward Councillors

Please note, I am requesting COPIES of each set of comments, NOT a
compilation of any comments received. Full justification should be
provided for the redaction (or non-disclosure) of any authors name etc. I
am particularly keen to know who determined [or advised the case officer]

(a) the details submitted and now approved "offer a well-designed and
high-quality landscaping proposal", and that

(b)"the cycle storage provision would be broadly compliant with London
Plan requirements in terms of the number of spaces provided and the need
for cycle storage to be sheltered, secure, and accessible (with horizontal
stands in this case)."

Please also provide COPIES of the following documents, which I cannot
locate on the Councils website:

+ "play area specification" [Referred to on the approved Proposed Site
Plan (1902-06 F), for details of the play equipment]

+ "Knightsbridge 230V IP65 GU10 Indoor / Outdoor Wall Light Specification

The Council responded to you on the 31 July 2024.

In your request for an Internal Review dated 31 July 2024 you stated the

“You have NOT provided copies of the following documents:

+ "play area specification" [Referred to on the approved Proposed Site
Plan (1902-06 F), for details of the play equipment]

+ "Knightsbridge 230V IP65 GU10 Indoor / Outdoor Wall Light Specification

On receiving your request for an Internal Review, I contacted the Head of
Development Management, who has provided additional information in answer
to the issues raised in your Internal Review.

Please find attached a copy of the Knightsbridge Light Specification.

I have been informed the Council does not hold a copy of the "play area

If you are not content with the outcome of the Internal Review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane


Cheshire SK9 5AF

Yours sincerely,

Howard Passman

020 8726 6000 ext. 27103

Resources Directorate

Legal Services Division

12th Floor
Bernard Weatherill House

8 Mint Walk

Croydon CR0 1EA

Council services, online, 24/7 www.croydon.gov.uk/myaccount.

Please use this web site address to view the council's e-mail disclaimer -