3rd Party Support Contracts
Dear Lion Academy Trust,
I would like to request the following information in regards to the Freedom of Information Act. This is not a request with regards to sales.
Please can you provide a breakdown of the costs and companies if allowable of 3rd party contracts for IT support services including helpdesk, MIS, printing and IT infrastructure where applicable.
Yours faithfully,
Mr M Duggins
Dear Mr Duggins,
Please, find below the information as requested.
As the Managed IT Service purchased by the Lion Academy Trust services
both the Lion Academy Trust and the Lion Education Trust I have included
details for both Trust’s to increase transparency.
Kind regards,
David Bond
David Bond
Chief Financial Controller
Lion Academy Trust and Lion Education Trust
0208 539 6777 X 165
Lion Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in
England and Wales (Company number 08171341).
Registered Office: Lion Academy Trust, 155 Canterbury Road, Canterbury
Road, Leyton, London. E10 6EJ.
Visible links
1. http://www.lionacademytrust.net/
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