28 Grasmere Road - 19/02898/DISC (Planning Breach)

The request was partially successful.

Dear Croydon Borough Council,

The 'existing' property was demolished during (June 2019) and construction works began in (July 2020).

This particular planning application, received and validated on 21 June 2019, includes for the discharge of three pre-commencement conditions attached to planning permission 18/01575/FUL. Those conditions cover external materials (3), landscaping (4) and SuDS (5).

In the event, NONE of these conditions were approved by Mr Smith's Decision Notice dated 27 February 2020 ... and yet work has been allowed to continue on this site.
Please provide copies of all information held by the Council that relates to this application, including but not restricted to the following:

Consultation with and comments received from the Council's 'specialists' in Spatial Planning, Trees Team and Lead Local Flood Authority,
correspondence with the applicant, developer and/or their consultants,
the 'Supporting Statement with Refuse Management Plan dated 21.02.2020' that has been deemed acceptable to discharge condition 15 (refuse management), and
any 'authorisation' by the Council for the works on site to first commence and then to continue despite non-compliance with 'conditions precedent'.

Additionally, please provide or direct me toward any information that demonstrates that the authority has the power when attaching such pre-commencement conditions, to remove 'demolition' from the description of the approved development.

NOTE: Since the information requested relates to the development of land, I believe it is likely to be information about "measures" affecting the elements of the environment as defined in Regulation 2(a) of the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (“EIR”) and that the request should therefore be dealt with under the provisions of the EIR.

Yours faithfully,

Andrew White

Andrew White left an annotation ()

The 'existing' property was demolished during (June 2019) and construction works began in (July 2020).

Should read:

The 'existing' property was demolished during (June 2019) and construction works began in (July 2019).

Croydon Council,

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2078445

show quoted sections

Dear Croydon Council,

ERROR on first line of original request:

The 'existing' property was demolished during (June 2019) and construction works began in (July 2020).

should read
The 'existing' property was demolished during (June 2019) and construction works began in (July 2019).

Yours sincerely,

Andrew White

Croydon Council,

2 Attachments

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2078445

show quoted sections

Croydon Council,

1 Attachment

FOI/EIR request
Our reference: 2078445

show quoted sections