Firstly, please note that we have a software guide created by the software providers which is
available to download in the ‘Downloads’ section at the bottom of the page on the following link
called ‘New Register user guide’ –
Alternatively we have created a brief guide below which you may find useful. We would also
recommend saving some of the pages in your favourites bar on your web browser to allow easy
access next time you log on.
The below link will take you directly to the Public Access Register, this webpage will allow you to
Search for planning applications, appeals and enforcements by keyword, application reference,
postcode or by a single line of an address.
Furthermore, it is from this page you can set up your registration for tracking applications, saving
searches and email notifications about tracked applications and new search results. First please click
the below link -
The page above is the main screen you will be greeted with and the box at the bottom allows you to
input information for a quick search.
Please familiarise yourself with the various different options as you will be able to search and review
applications in many ways. I have summarised these below –
Simple – Quick search for Applications, Appeals or Enforcements

Advanced – Allows you to refine your search for Applications, Appeals or Enforcements by a
variety of different application details or dates
Weekly / Monthly – Allows you to review Weekly or Monthly lists of applications validated
or decided
Property – Address or A to Z Street search for a particular property to retrieve all the
applications that apply to that property
Map – View all applications within Croydon via a map, this can be filtered for specific time
Below is a screen print from the ‘Map’ function which has been zoomed in to show a particular area.
All the properties with a red outline highlight applications and by clicking on them you are able to
gain access to the information relating to that particular application
Using the same link above you will see an option marked ‘Register’ with the below icon
By selecting this you will be taken to the below screen, fill in all the details (those marked with * are
mandatory fields) and select next
You will now have an email sent to your email address with instructions on how to activate your
account. Once activated you will then be asked to login.
Once logged in you can return to the search screen using the
icon at the top.
To track an application you must select the application and then select
icon in the top
right hand side. This will then add the application to your profile and you will receive notifications for
this application.
To set up a search follow the search instructions above and once the results are displayed select
in the top right hand side. You will then be asked if you wish to be notified by email

about new search results and you mark this as ‘Yes’. This saved search will now show up in your
‘Saved Searches’ on your profile, see below