20Mph signs info

The request was successful.

Dear Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council,
I would like to have the following information.
1 the name of the supplier of circular road signs with 20mph on.
2 how many large and repeater signs have been ordered.
3 the cost ( supply only , not installing)
4 the exact date of any orders placed in last 2 years.
5, the known lead time for any orders.
6 the order date of any instructions to highways dept to install.

Yours faithfully,


InfoMgr, FinDMT,

Dear Mr Kent


Thank you for your recent enquiry, we can respond as follows:


1) The Council’s Highway Operational Services undertake this work and our
main highway sign suppliers are:

•            Limelight Signs Ltd

•            Ansco signs Ltd

•            Labels ‘n’ Signs Ltd

•            Signtek-UK Ltd


Different suppliers are used for different orders.


2) To cover the 15 x areas in phase 1, a total of 2,181 repeater signs
(300mm diameter) and 1,015 terminal signs (600mm diameter) were ordered


3) The cost within the contractor's schedule of rates includes
manufacture, delivery and installation of sign faces on existing posts /
lighting columns and was £114,255.27


4) The exact dates of orders made for signs were: 23/11/22,  2/3/23, 
6/3/23,   14/3/23,  30/3/23


5) Lead times were specified at 6 to 8 weeks but procurement issues can
affect this


6) The instructions to highways for installation were sent the same dates
that the signs were ordered - see answer to Q4 above


Yours sincerely



Lynette Paterson

Principal Information Management Officer

Resources – Digital and Improvement

Wirral Council

PO Box 290
Brighton Street
CH27 9FQ


Email: [1][Wirral Borough Council request email]


Visit our website: [2]www.wirral.gov.uk





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Visible links
1. mailto:[Wirral Borough Council request email]
2. http://www.wirral.gov.uk/

Paul Kent left an annotation ()

Such folly