2024 DLUHC Efficiency Plan
Dear Oxford City Council,
During the last parliament, Councils were asked to provide DLUHC (as was) with efficiency plans.
Please could you provide a copy of your submitted plan, or if this is available online elsewhere already, a link to where this can be found.
If you did not produce an efficiency plan…
Could you please outline, provide a copy of or link to any detailed plans you have that describe your approach to making future savings, generating income or improving operational efficiencies, the specific initiatives any such programmes entail and the metrics used to measure performance.
You may remove the names of any specific organisations you are working with, if required to protect commercial interests.
If you did not produce an efficiency plan and do not have any plans of your own…
Please confirm that your authority has no need to make any form of financial savings or improve efficiency during the life of its current medium term financial strategy.
If any of the requested information is already available elsewhere, please provide a link to where this can be accessed.
Yours faithfully,
Davina Lee
Dear Oxford City Council,
Please be aware that in my request I mistakenly referred to DLUHC requesting efficiency plans when I should have indicated they had requested Productivity Plans.
When responding to be request please consider that I am requesting information relating to your DLUHC productivity plan, if one was produced.
I apologise for any confusion this may have caused.
Yours faithfully,
Davina Lee
Dear Davina Lee
Freedom of Information Request, Oxford City Council - Reference:
Thank you for your email. Your request was received on 31 July 2024 and
you will be sent a response by 29th August in accordance with the Freedom
of Information Act 2000/ Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR),
subject to the information not being exempt or containing reference to a
third party.
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: [1]www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter:
[2]www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook:
Visible links
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2. http://www.twitter.com/OxfordCity
3. http://www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
Dear Davina Lee
Please find below a response to your request for information received on
31 July.
As per Section 21(1) of FOIA,this information is available on public
Please find below the link to the productivity plan that was approved by
Cabinet on 10.07.24.
We have published the plan on our website as instructed by DLUHC .
Yours sincerely
Freedom of Information Officer
Freedom of Information Team | Law and Governance | Oxford City Council |
Town Hall | St Aldate's | Oxford | OX1 1BX
Website: [1]www.oxford.gov.uk | Follow us on Twitter:
[2]www.twitter.com/OxfordCity | Like us on Facebook:
Visible links
1. http://www.oxford.gov.uk/
2. http://www.twitter.com/OxfordCity
3. http://www.facebook.com/OxfordCityCouncil
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