2023 UG admission statistics

The request was refused by London School of Economics.

Dear London School of Economics,

I would like to know every undergraduate programme for ucas cycle 2023(for entry in 2023 or deferred in 2024:

-the programme name
-the number of applications
-the number of offers

Specially, I also want to know the China applications and offers for ucas cycle 2023

And also,I would like to know:

In 2023 Entry

how many A-Level students have submitted grades and how many A-Level students have received offers?
How many IB students have submitted grades and how many IB students have received offers ?
How many AP students have submitted grades and how many AP students have received offers ?

Yours faithfully,

april tong

GLPD.Info.Rights, London School of Economics

Thank you for your email. Please consider this as confirmation that your
request has been received and will be processed in line with statutory
deadlines. If there are any delays in responding we will let you know.





GLPD.Info.Rights, London School of Economics

Dear April Tong,


With reference to your request for information under the Freedom of
Information Act, I am writing to inform you that your request has been


While it is the School’s policy to respond as fully as possible to
requests for information, it is not always able to do so. All refusals
must be justified by reference to an exemption from the obligation to
disclose the information specified in the FoI legislation. In this
instance, the following exemption has been applied:

• Section 22. We have used this exemption as the figures for the current
admissions cycle are intended for future publication and the
information will eventually be available online next academic year.


When the data is published, you will be able to access it online:


If you think that the information provided does not meet your request,
contact Rachael Maguire at [2][email address] or write to
Louise Nadal, School Secretary, London School of Economics and Political
Science, Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE. We will then review the
response to your request and get back to you within 20 working days. You
can also contact the Information Commissioner's Office
[3]http://www.ico.gov.uk/, though they expect the internal review to be
carried out before receiving a complaint directly.


Yours sincerely,


The Information Rights Team

London School of Economics


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