2023 UG admission statistics

april tong made this Freedom of Information request to King's College London Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was refused by King's College London.

Dear King's College London,

I would like to know every undergraduate programme for ucas cycle 2023(for entry in 2023 or deferred in 2024:

-the programme name
-the number of applications
-the number of offers

Specially, I also want to know the China applications and offers for ucas cycle 2023

And also,I would like to know:

In 2023 Entry

how many A-Level students have submitted grades and how many A-Level students have received offers?
How many IB students have submitted grades and how many IB students have received offers ?
How many AP students have submitted grades and how many AP students have received offers ?

Yours faithfully,

april tong

Yours faithfully,

april tong

Information Compliance, King's College London

Thank you for your email.  

Please note, if you are sending an automated request for personal data
erasure via a third-party, before we can proceed with your request we
require a copy of your ID, scanned copy of a driving licence/passport.

If your enquiry is related to a current application to study at King's
please contact the relevant admissions team directly:


For all other enquiries relating to requests made under the Freedom of
Information Act (2000), the Environmental Information Regulations (2004),
or the Data Protection Act and UK GDPR (2018) a member of the Information
Compliance team will be in touch separately with official acknowledgement
of your request.

Kind regards,

Information Compliance


Visible links
1. https://www.kcl.ac.uk/aboutkings/orgstru...

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear April,

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, we are currently unable to disclose information for the 2022/23 application / admissions cycle (2023 entry) in accordance with section 43(2) of the Freedom of Information Act – Commercial Interests.

The reason for this is disclosure would be likely to undermine the competitiveness of King’s by allowing competitors to gain access to key information about our programmes, their level of interest and take up. Other Higher Education Providers would be likely to use this information to inform their clearing marketing strategies, more aggressively target specific areas perceived as weak. This would be likely to impact on the College’s number and quality of applicants, undermining its ability to compete.

This completes the university’s response to your information request, and it has been closed. However, you are welcome to submit a new Freedom of Information (FOI) request at any time.

Kind Regards,

Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog (she/her)
Information Compliance Officer
Department of Business Assurance
King’s College London
Room: SW1.09
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus

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Dear Information Compliance,

When can you provide it?

Yours sincerely,

april tong

Information Compliance, King's College London

Dear April,

Thank you for your email.

It is likely that the information will be avaliable after October, you are welcome to resubmit your request then.

Kind Regards,

Lakeisha Dowsey-Magog (she/her)
Information Compliance Officer
Department of Business Assurance
King's College London
Room: SW1.09
Somerset House East Wing
Strand Campus

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