2022 data on number of vehicles registered by fuel type in each town
Dear Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency,
We would be interested to find out the number of vehicles registered by fuel type in each town in the UK to paint a picture of the greenest transport towns across the country. Last year we submitted this request to create a PR campaign around the 'greenest transport towns in the UK' for Fleetcover, we would like to submit this request again to see what has changed.
Yours faithfully,
Lydia German
Thank you for your e-mail requesting information. The DVLA are dealing with your request under the terms of The Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Your request has been given reference number: FOIR10493.
You should expect to receive a reply to your request by 2 June.
If you have any further questions or enquiries on this request please quote the reference number.
Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy and Communications Directorate | C2E | DVLA | Swansea | SA6 7JL
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Please see attached our response to your recent freedom of information
Freedom of Information Team
Strategy, Policy & Communications Directorate | C2E | DVLA | Swansea |
Our online services are the quickest and easiest way to transact with us.
Go to [2]gov.uk/dvla now.
Ein gwasanaethau ar-lein yw'r ffordd gyflymaf a hawsaf o drafod gyda ni.
Ewch i gov.uk/dvla-cymraeg nawr.
Twitter: [3]@dvlagovuk | Facebook: [4]dvlagovuk | YouTube: [5]dvlagov
Correspondents should note that all communications to DVLA may be
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Please visit [6]www.gov.uk/browse/driving for government information on
all aspects of motoring, ranging from log books and driving licences to
driving tests and vehicle tax.
Visible links
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2. http://www.gov.uk/dvla
3. http://www.twitter.com/dvlagovuk
4. http://www.facebook.com/dvlagovuk
5. http://www.youtube.com/dvlagov
6. http://www.gov.uk/browse/driving
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