2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
In your Preliminary Environmental Impact Report for the Arundel bypass scheme, Volume 4c, page 88, you state that 'Detailed bat surveys including crossing point surveys and radiotracking surveys have been undertaken in 2021'. I would like to see these surveys.
Yours faithfully,
Emma Tristram
Dear Emma Tristram
Thank you for your request relating to 2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel
bypass scheme dated 08/02/2022.
The due date for issuing a response is 08/03/2022.
Please feel free to contact our team if you have any queries quoting
FOI/3218 in any future communications
Kind regards
Andrea Bartlett
You can make new FOI requests and review published responses by
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Dear emma tristram
2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme
We are writing to advise you that the time-limit for responding to your
request for information which we received on 08/02/2022 needs to be
extended under Regulation 7 of the Environmental Information Regulations.
In the case of your request, we must extend the time limit by
approximately 20 working days because the information requested is complex
and voluminous and it is impracticable to comply with the request, or make
a decision to refuse to do so, within the earlier period.
We hope to let you have a response by 5 April 2022.
Please remember to quote reference number FOI/3218 in any future
communications about this response.
Kind regards
A27 Arundel Bypass
Dear emma tristram
2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme
Thank you for your information request dated 08/02/2022 regarding 2021 Bat
Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme. We have dealt with your request
under the provisions of the Environmental Information Regulation 2004.
This is because the information requested concerns measures and activities
affecting or likely to affect elements of the environment or affect
factors such as noise, pollution discharges and other releases into the
You asked -
Dear Highways England Company Limited,
In your Preliminary Environmental Impact Report for the Arundel bypass
scheme, Volume 4c, page 88, you state that 'Detailed bat surveys including
crossing point surveys and radiotracking surveys have been undertaken in
2021'. I would like to see these surveys.
Yours faithfully,
Emma Tristram
Due to the size of the data being provided, we will be issuing it by post
to your home address in Binsted. This information will be provided via USB
If you are not satisfied with your response you may ask for an internal
review within 40 working days of receiving the response, by replying to
this email. You can learn more about the internal review process [1]here.
If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you have
the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a
decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted [2]here or via
the address below -
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Please remember to quote reference number FOI/3218 in any future
communications about this response.
Kind regards
A27 Arundel Bypass
You can make new FOI requests and review published responses by
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Dear Highways England Company Limited,
You promised on 8 April to send me the information I requested as a memory stick in the post.
It has not yet arrived (12 April).
As 20 days extra time were needed by you due to the complexity of the information, this request is already very overdue. I hope the information will arrive soon.
Yours faithfully,
emma tristram
Dear [email address],
You promised on 8 April to send me the information I requested (FOI/3218) as a memory stick in the post.
It still has not arrived (20 April).
I sent a reminder on 12 April saying the information had not arrived.
As 20 days extra time were needed by you to reply to my initial request, due to the complexity of the information, this request is already very overdue.
Can you look into this very overdue request and tell me
a) whether the memory stick has been sent, and if so, when
b) if it has not been sent, how long it will be before the information is sent
Yours faithfully,
Emma Tristram
Dear Dr Tristram
Please find attached, an update to FOI 3218 regarding 2021 Bat Surveys.
Kind regards
A27 Arundel Bypass Scheme
National Highways | Bridge House | 1 Walnut Tree Close | Guildford |
Surrey | GU1 4LZ
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Dr Tristram,
You are being provided with access to the BAT DATA - “Following on from
the email sent from the National Highways correspondence team on 26.4.22,
please see link below to the data requested.”
[1]Bat Data - for NH
Kind Regards,
Nicky Curtis | Highways Division IBIP Lead | BAM Nuttall Ltd T: 07771
794504 | [2][email address] | [3]www.bamnuttall.co.uk First Floor, 8
Abbots Park, Preston Brook, Runcorn. Cheshire. WA7 3GH
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BAM Nuttall Limited Registered office St James House, Knoll Road,
Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW Registered number 305189 Registered in England
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Dear Curtis, Nicky,
You have written to me (today, 28 April) saying I am being 'provided with access' to the information I requested on 8 February (2021 bat surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme) and saying 'please see link below to the data requested'.
There is no link below, only the words '1]Bat Data - for NH'.
On 8 April you said you were sending the information by post via a USB drive due to its large size. No USB drive arrived.
On 26 April you said instead of doing this, LinkConnex would 'shortly' send me a link to the information. No link has been sent.
Please send the link to me by email or write another reply which does contain the link.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Tristram
I am currently out of the office with limited access to emails and will
respond tomorrow.
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BAM Nuttall Limited Registered office St James House, Knoll Road,
Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW Registered number 305189 Registered in England
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Curtis, Nicky shared a folder with you
Here's the folder that Curtis, Nicky shared with you.
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Good Morning,
Thank you for your response. I have sent a direct link to you, please check in your spam or other (non focused) area of your inbox.
Kind Regards,
Nicky Curtis | Highways Division IBIP Lead | BAM Nuttall Ltd T: 07771 794504 | [email address] | www.bamnuttall.co.uk First Floor, 8 Abbots Park, Preston Brook, Runcorn. Cheshire. WA7 3GH
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Morning all,
To advise that both email accounts have been added and are accessible to
the SharePoint site.
If there are any issues please do not hesitate to contact me directly.
Kind Regards,
Nicky Curtis | Highways Division IBIP Lead | BAM Nuttall Ltd T: 07771
794504 | [1][email address] | [2]www.bamnuttall.co.uk First Floor, 8
Abbots Park, Preston Brook, Runcorn. Cheshire. WA7 3GH
From: Smith, Georgie <[email address]>
Sent: 28 April 2022 10:55
To: Boughen, Paul <[email address]>; Davis-Bawn, Matt <[email address]>;
Pritchard, Sian <[email address]>; Curtis, Nicky <[email address]>
Cc: A27 Arundel Bypass <[email address]>
Subject: RE: URGENT - Please action today asap - EIR 3218 - Emma Tristram
- 2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme
CAUTION this email originated from outside of BAM so be careful when
opening attachments or links. To report as spam, please forward to:
[3][email address].
It was Nicky who was kindly sharing the link for us, Nicky, would you mind
sending to the additional email address?
Many thanks
07917 138064
From: Boughen, Paul <[4][email address]>
Sent: 28 April 2022 10:49
To: Smith, Georgie <[5][email address]>; Davis-Bawn, Matt <[6][email
address]>; Pritchard, Sian <[7][email address]>; Curtis, Nicky <[8][email
Cc: A27 Arundel Bypass <[9][email address]>
Subject: RE: URGENT - Please action today asap - EIR 3218 - Emma Tristram
- 2021 Bat Surveys for the Arundel bypass scheme
Hi all
I’ve just spoken to Dr Tristram on the phone and the ‘whattheyknow’ link
is working, so thanks all again for your efforts on this one. Dr Tristram
asked please can we issue the link to her personal email too, just as a
back stop option? This email is [10][email address]
Georgie- would you be OK to do this please?
Thanks again all
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inform the sender by return and destroy all copies of it.
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conclude any contract on behalf the company by e-mail.
BAM Nuttall Limited Registered office St James House, Knoll Road,
Camberley, Surrey GU15 3XW Registered number 305189 Registered in England
and Wales
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