2020/21 Postgraduate admission statistics

The request was successful.

Dear University College London,

Wish your working is going well.

I would be very grateful if you can kindly provide :
a list of all postgraduate programme for 2020/21, as well as
the data regarding the number of applicants and offers made for each postgraduate programme for 2020/21 admission.

Yours faithfully,


Finance.FOI Requests, University College London

If you have submitted a Freedom of Information request please accept this
email as acknowledgement that your request has been received. You should
expect a response from us within 20 working days. 

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usual approach to information compliance work, in order to meet the
unprecedented challenges we are all facing during the Coronavirus
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Thorley, Sarah, University College London

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Marlon


Thank you for your request of 22 April.


You asked for: a list of all postgraduate programme for 2020/21, as well
as the data regarding the number of applicants and offers made for each
postgraduate programme for 2020/21 admission.


Please see the attached spreadsheet for our response.

Where the number is fewer than 5, we have not given the exact figure. This
is because this information when combined with other information available
in the public domain could make it possible to identify an individual
resulting in disclosure of personal data. We concluded that the disclosure
of personal data in this context would amount to a breach of the first
data protection principle. As such we have applied the exemption available
to us under section 40 (2).


This states that personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully and
having considered the expectations of these individuals; our students
would have an expectation of confidentiality.  Therefore, we believe that
the disclosure would amount to unfair processing of personal data.


You are free to use any information supplied for your own use, including
for non-commercial research purposes. The information may also be used for
the purposes of news reporting. However, any other type of re-use, for
example by publishing or issuing copies to the public, will require the
permission of the copyright owner.


If you are unhappy with our response to your request and wish to make a
complaint or request a review of our decision, please email
[1][email address]. Emails should include the words ‘Internal
Review’ in the subject and be marked For the Attention of the Chief
Operating Officer, alternatively you should write to:


Chief Operating Officer

University College London

Gower Street




If you are not content with the outcome of the internal review, you may
apply directly to the Information Commissioner at the address given below.
You should do this within two months of our final decision. (Please note,
complaints and requests for internal review received more than two months
after the initial decision will not be handled.)


If you have any queries or concerns, please contact me using the details
provided in this email and including the request reference number.


Further information on the Freedom of Information Act is available from
the Information Commissioner’s Office:


Wycliffe House

Water Lane




01625 545700


[3][email address]


Kind regards


Sarah Thorley

Data Protection and Freedom of Information Adviser

University College London

Legal Services

Data Protection: [4][email address] FOI: [5][UCL request email]




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5. mailto:[UCL request email]