2017 master's graduate list

The request was refused by University of Aberdeen.

Dear University of Aberdeen,

I request the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act:

I would be grateful if you could supply me a list of all your master's graduates for 2017

Yours faithfully,

Andrew Slater

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear Mr Slater

I refer to your email of 29 October 2017 and, on behalf of the University, I acknowledge receipt and confirm that your request is being dealt with in terms of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. In terms of the Act, a reply will be sent to you within 20 working days.

Yours sincerely,

Christina Muir
Administration Assistant
Library, Administration and Planning
University of Aberdeen
Email: [email address] Tel: 01224 273079

Core working hours: Monday - Friday: 9.00am - 1.00pm
The Sir Duncan Rice Library, LSC&M, Aberdeen University, Bedford Road, Aberdeen AB24 3AA

Foi, University of Aberdeen

Dear Mr Slater


I refer to your email of 29 October 2017 requesting information relating to recent graduates at the University of Aberdeen.

Your request has now been considered under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002, ‘the Act’.

The University does not publish lists of graduates. Information about the educational qualifications of identifiable former students is their personal data. The University gives a commitment to students when they register to respect the confidentiality of their personal data. Publication of their data in response to a freedom of information request contrary to that commitment would be unfair and a breach of the first principle of the Data Protection Act 1998. Please accept this message as a notice under section 38(1) of the Act that the information you have requested is exempt from disclosure as disclosure would breach the Data Protection Act.

Should you be dissatisfied with this response, you have the right under the Act to request a review. A request for review must be made within 40 working days of the date of this reply. It must include your name and address for correspondence and specify the request for information and the grounds for dissatisfaction with the decision. Please send your request for review to our mailbox, [University of Aberdeen request email]. The University will respond to your request for a review within 20 working days of receipt of your request.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of the University’s internal review, you have the right to appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner within six months of the date of receipt of the University’s review notice. Details on how to make an appeal to the Commissioner are available at www.itspublicknowledge.info/Appeal. Should you remain dissatisfied with the Commissioner’s decision, you have a right of appeal to the Court of Session on a point of law.

Yours sincerely,
Iain Gray

University Data Protection Officer
University of Aberdeen

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