18+ Unstaffed Semi Independent Accommodation (Service Improvement)

Zion Ade made this Freedom of Information request to Buckinghamshire Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Buckinghamshire Council,

I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for access to the following information:

Please Note: The following questions are about care leavers (Aged 18 – 21) placed in supported accommodation who receiving floating support, these young people come under the Leaving Care Act 2000.

Who are the currently supported accommodation providers you use for 18+ floating support & accommodation?

What provider out of your current list of supported accommodation providers has the majority of your care leavers?

What is the minimum support hours L.A requirement for 18-21 care leavers in supported accommodation?
for example, a min of 2 hours.

What is the current minimum cost L.A. pays for 18+ floating accommodations? (Accommodation Only)
for example, £500PW per placement depending on support needs.

How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 - 2023?

What are the practical postcodes your L.A placements team require for 18+ service users?

What are the current issues your L. A’s placement team face when it comes to placing 18+ service users in supported accommodation?

What is the placements teams’ budget per week for 18+ placements?
for example, £620PW per placement including 3 support hours.

What is the procedure for your L.A if a provider wishes to join both on-tender & off-tender providers list?

What are the main KPI's (key performance indicators) your L.A placements team use to separate a good semi-independent service to a bad one specifically for 18+ service users?

What are the main factors your L.A Placements team use to ascertain whether a placement / provider is a good match for 18+ service users?

What is the L.A's budget for support hours specifically per hour for 18+ service users ?
for example £21.50 per additional support hour.

What type of accommodation is needed but in short supply for your L.A placements team ? I.e. studio's, shared, 2 bed flats etc.
What is the L.A placements team budget per week for the following accommodation: Studio, 1 bed Flat, 2 bed flat, Shared Accommodation.

When does the L.A plan to publish their next tender for 18+ placements ?

What is L.A's standard procedure before placing an 18+ service user with a provider for the first time ?Who are the current providers you use for 18+ unstaffed accommodation ?

I would like to receive the requested information in an electronic PDF format if possible, If there are any fees associated with fulfilling this request, please inform me in due course.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Zion Ade

Information request
Our reference: 5791401


Dear Zion,
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 22 January
Your request was:
Dear Buckinghamshire Council,
I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act
for access to the following information:
Please Note: The following questions are about care leavers (Aged 18 - 21)
placed in supported accommodation who receiving floating support, these
young people come under the Leaving Care Act 2000.

1. Who are the currently supported accommodation providers you use for 18+
floating support & accommodation?
2.What provider out of your current list of supported accommodation
providers has the majority of your care leavers?
3. What is the minimum support hours L.A requirement for 18-21 care
leavers in supported accommodation? for example, a min of 2 hours.
4. What is the current minimum cost L.A. pays for 18+ floating
accommodations? (Accommodation Only) for example, £500PW per placement
depending on support needs.
5. How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022
- 2023?
6. What are the practical postcodes your L.A placements team require for
18+ service users?
7. What are the current issues your L. A's placement team face when it
comes to placing 18+ service users in supported accommodation?
8. What is the placements teams' budget per week for 18+ placements? for
example, £620PW per placement including 3 support hours.
9. What is the procedure for your L.A if a provider wishes to join both
on-tender & off-tender providers list?
10. What are the main KPI's (key performance indicators) your L.A
placements team use to separate a good semi-independent service to a bad
one specifically for 18+ service users?
11. What are the main factors your L.A Placements team use to ascertain
whether a placement / provider is a good match for 18+ service users?
12. What is the L.A's budget for support hours specifically per hour for
18+ service users ? for example £21.50 per additional support hour.
13. What type of accommodation is needed but in short supply for your L.A
placements team ? I.e. studio's, shared, 2 bed flats etc.
14. What is the L.A placements team budget per week for the following
accommodation: Studio, 1 bed Flat, 2 bed flat, Shared Accommodation.
15. When does the L.A plan to publish their next tender for 18+ placements
16. What is L.A's standard procedure before placing an 18+ service user
with a provider for the first time ?Who are the current providers you use
for 18+ unstaffed accommodation ?

I would like to receive the requested information in an electronic PDF
format if possible, If there are any fees associated with fulfilling this
request, please inform me in due course.
We will handle your request under the most appropriate legislation.
You can expect to receive a response by 19 February 2024.
The Council will be in touch if we need any further information. 
NOTE: Please do not edit the subject line when replying to this email.
Yours sincerely,
Information Management Team
[Buckinghamshire Council request email]


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1 Attachment

Information request
Our reference: 5791401


Dear Zion,
Thank you for your request for information received on 22 January 2024.
Please find attached our response to your request.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance Officer


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Dear Buckinghamshire Council,

I would like some clarification on the below, please.

How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 - 2023? You can provide between 2023-2024 (current year) if 2022 is not available.

Yours sincerely,

Zion Ade

Information request
Our reference: 5791401


Dear Zion,
Follow Up 
Our reference  5791401
Thank you for your email.  We are treating this as a follow up request,
and aim to provide you with a response within 10 working days. 
Please don't edit the subject line if replying to this email.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance Officer




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Information request
Our reference: 5791401


Dear Zion,
Follow Up Response
Our reference 5791401
Thank you for your recent correspondence for a follow up request.  I can
confirm that your further concerns were sent to the service to review.
 Please find below their response:

We do not have an 18+ service in Buckinghamshire, as young people need to
be 13 weeks prior to their 18^th birthday to be entitled to services. They
would then be placed where appropriate within a supported accommodation
service which is staffed 24/7. We do not have the service in bold above.

Anyone over 18 new to our service would be supported by the homeless team.
Please don't edit the subject line if replying to this email.
Kind Regards,
Information Governance Officer




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