We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Cherish please sign in and let everyone know.

18+ Unstaffed Semi Independent Accommodation (Service Improvement)

Cherish made this Freedom of Information request to Brent Borough Council Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

We're waiting for Cherish to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Brent Borough Council,

I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act for access to the following information:

Please Note: The following questions are about care leavers (Aged 18 – 21) placed in supported accommodation who receiving floating support, these young people come under the Leaving Care Act 2000.

Who are the currently supported accommodation providers you use for 18+ floating support & accommodation?

What provider out of your current list of supported accommodation providers has the majority of your care leavers?

What is the minimum support hours L.A requirement for 18-21 care leavers in supported accommodation?
for example, a min of 2 hours.

What is the current minimum cost L.A. pays for 18+ floating accommodations? (Accommodation Only)
for example, £500PW per placement depending on support needs.

How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 - 2023?

What are the practical postcodes your L.A placements team require for 18+ service users?

What are the current issues your L. A’s placement team face when it comes to placing 18+ service users in supported accommodation?

What is the placements teams’ budget per week for 18+ placements?
for example, £620PW per placement including 3 support hours.

What is the procedure for your L.A if a provider wishes to join both on-tender & off-tender providers list?

What are the main KPI's (key performance indicators) your L.A placements team use to separate a good semi-independent service to a bad one specifically for 18+ service users?

What are the main factors your L.A Placements team use to ascertain whether a placement / provider is a good match for 18+ service users?

What is the L.A's budget for support hours specifically per hour for 18+ service users ?
for example £21.50 per additional support hour.

What type of accommodation is needed but in short supply for your L.A placements team ? I.e. studio's, shared, 2 bed flats etc.
What is the L.A placements team budget per week for the following accommodation: Studio, 1 bed Flat, 2 bed flat, Shared Accommodation.

When does the L.A plan to publish their next tender for 18+ placements ?

What is L.A's standard procedure before placing an 18+ service user with a provider for the first time ?Who are the current providers you use for 18+ unstaffed accommodation ?

I would like to receive the requested information in an electronic PDF format if possible, If there are any fees associated with fulfilling this request, please inform me in due course.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,


Freedom of Information, Brent Borough Council

Thank you for contacting the FOI Team.

This is confirmation that we have received your email. You should receive
a further acknowledgment shortly with a reference number.

Take part in Brent's draft budget consultation before 31 January at


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communications read in order to secure effective operation of the system
and other lawful purposes.


Visible links
1. file:///tmp/www.brent.gov.uk/budget

Watson, Dorothy, Brent Borough Council

Dear Cherish,

Thank you for your information request. Please provide your full name so that your request can be registered and allocated to the appropriate service.

Kind regards

Dorothy Watson
Lead Freedom of Information Officer
Information Governance Team
Resident Services
Brent Council

I do not work on Wednesdays: My working days are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

020 8937 5312


show quoted sections

Dear Watson, Dorothy,

My full-name is Cherish Praise

Yours sincerely,


DoNotReply1, Brent Borough Council

Tel: 020 89371234
[1]brentlogo1 (227×84)   Email: [email address]
Web: [2]https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council

Dear Cherish Praise 

RE: 18+ Unstaffed Semi Independent Accommodation (Service Improvement) 

Thank you for contacting the council on 26/01/2024.

Your case will be assigned to an officer and you should receive their
details soon.

Please use this reference number IRC-41698-F1C9N3 when contacting us about
this case.

Please note that we may require further information in order for us to
proceed, in which case we will contact you. 

If you would like further information on how your case will be dealt with,
please visit our website: [3]https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council 

Yours sincerely 
London Borough of Brent

Take part in Brent's draft budget consultation before 31 January at


The use of Brent Council's e-mail system may be monitored and
communications read in order to secure effective operation of the system
and other lawful purposes.


Visible links
2. https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council
3. https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council
4. file:///tmp/www.brent.gov.uk/budget

CYPFOIs, Brent Borough Council

Dear Cherish Praise,

I am writing in regards to your freedom of information request, reference
number IRC-41698-F1C9N3.

To facilitate a more precise response to your request, we kindly request
some additional clarification. Please provide further clarification
regarding the question below:

• How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years
2022 - 2023?


Please clarify the information you require when stating ‘Service Users’?
Please confirm specifically which ‘Service Users’ you are referring to?

This clarification will help us ensure that we provide you with the
accurate and relevant data you are seeking.




Many thanks,


Children and Young People Freedom of Information (CYP FOI)

Email: [1][email address]

Web: [2]www.brent.gov.uk







The use of Brent Council's e-mail system may be monitored and
communications read in order to secure effective operation of the system
and other lawful purposes.


Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. http://www.brent.gov.uk/
3. http://www.brent.gov.uk/


Thanks for your response.
How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 - 2023 ?
Clarification; How may care leavers were placed during the stated years 2022-2023?

Thank you
Yours sincerely,


Brent Council -CYP LAC & Permanency Team, Brent Borough Council

Tel: 020 8937 4248
[1]brentlogo1 (227×84)   Email: [2][email address]
Web: [3]https://www.brent.gov.uk/

Our Ref: IRC-41698-F1C9N3

Dear Cherish Praise

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Thank you for your information request received on 26/01/2024.
This request is being handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

You requested the following information:

I am writing to make a formal request under the Freedom of Information Act
for access to the following information:
Please Note: The following questions are about care leavers (Aged 18 – 21)
placed in supported accommodation who receiving floating support, these
young people come under the Leaving Care Act 2000.
Who are the currently supported accommodation providers you use for 18+
floating support & accommodation?
What provider out of your current list of supported accommodation
providers has the majority of your care leavers?
What is the minimum support hours L.A requirement for 18-21 care leavers
in supported accommodation? for example, a min of 2 hours.
What is the current minimum cost L.A. pays for 18+ floating
accommodations? (Accommodation Only) for example, £500PW per placement
depending on support needs.
How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 -
What are the practical postcodes your L.A placements team require for 18+
service users?
What are the current issues your L. A’s placement team face when it comes
to placing 18+ service users in supported accommodation?
What is the placements teams’ budget per week for 18+ placements? for
example, £620PW per placement including 3 support hours.
What is the procedure for your L.A if a provider wishes to join both
on-tender & off-tender providers list?
What are the main KPI's (key performance indicators) your L.A placements
team use to separate a good semi-independent service to a bad one
specifically for 18+ service users?
What are the main factors your L.A Placements team use to ascertain
whether a placement / provider is a good match for 18+ service users?
What is the L.A's budget for support hours specifically per hour for 18+
service users? for example £21.50 per additional support hour.
What type of accommodation is needed but in short supply for your L.A
placements team? I.e. studio's, shared, 2 bed flats etc.
What is the L.A placements team budget per week for the following
accommodation: Studio, 1 bed Flat, 2 bed flat, Shared Accommodation.
When does the L.A plan to publish their next tender for 18+ placements?
What is L.A's standard procedure before placing an 18+ service user with a
provider for the first time ?Who are the current providers you use for 18+
unstaffed accommodation?

I can confirm that Brent Council holds the information you have
Who are the currently supported accommodation providers you use for 18+
floating support & accommodation?
Brent is a member of the Commissioning Alliance who operate and manage
dynamic purchasing vehicles for semi-independent, residential and
fostering placements. For more information please refer to the link:
What provider out of your current list of supported accommodation
providers has the majority of your care leavers?
We regret to inform you that this information is commercially sensitive
and therefore cannot be provided.
What is the minimum support hours L.A requirement for 18-21 care leavers
in supported accommodation? for example, a min of 2 hours.
The minimum support hours 18-21 care leavers in supported accommodation is
needs-led and varies based on individual circumstances.
What is the current minimum cost L.A. pays for 18+ floating
accommodations? (Accommodation Only) for example, £500PW per placement
depending on support needs?
How many service users were placed with your L.A between the years 2022 -
2023? (Clarification; How may care leavers were placed during the stated
years 2022-2023?)
Please refer to published data showing care leavers Brent were in touch
with: [5]'17-21 year old care leavers in contact with the responsible
authority - LA' from 'Children looked after in England including
adoptions', Permanent data table – Explore education statistics – GOV.UK
Between April 2022 and March 2023 Brent funded 105 accommodation
placements for care leavers, the duration of which varied based on
individual need.
What are the practical postcodes your L.A placements team require for 18+
service users?
The provision of practical postcodes for service users aged 18 and above
is needs-led and varies according to circumstances.
What are the current issues your L. A’s placement team face when it comes
to placing 18+ service users in supported accommodation?
Currently the Local Authority does not have any issues in placing 18+
young people.  The key issue is the quality of provision.
What is the placements teams’ budget per week for 18+ placements? for
example, £620PW per placement including 3 support hours.
There is no Weekly budget

What is the procedure for your L.A if a provider wishes to join both
on-tender & off-tender providers list?
The Local Authority is a member of the Commissioning Alliance and
commissions 18+ placements through the Commissioning Alliance’s Dynamic
Purchasing Vehicle.  The Local Authority will Spot Purchase where
What are the main KPI's (key performance indicators) your L.A placements
team use to separate a good semi-independent service to a bad one
specifically for 18+ service users?
The Local Authority has a Quality Assurance Framework to ascertain the
quality of a provision.  The local authority also carries out quality
checks before placing a young person, such as obtaining policies and risk
assessments from the provider.  The LA also requests references from other
Local Authorities that use provisions new to the LA.
What are the main factors your L.A Placements team use to ascertain
whether a placement / provider is a good match for 18+ service users?
As Above
What is the L.A's budget for support hours specifically per hour for 18+
service users? for example £21.50 per additional support hour.
This is based on need

What type of accommodation is needed but in short supply for your L.A
placements team ? I.e. studio's, shared, 2 bed flats etc.
Solo Placements

What is the L.A placements team budget per week for the following
accommodation: Studio, 1 bed Flat, 2 bed flat, Shared Accommodation.
There is no specific weekly budget. This information is held by the
Commissioning Alliance.
When does the L.A plan to publish their next tender for 18+ placements?
The Local Authority is part of the Commissioning Alliance. The Local
Authority does not tender for this area.
What is L.A's standard procedure before placing an 18+ service user with a
provider for the first time?
The Local Authority will request all relevant documents, such as Statement
Of Purpose, Locality Risk Assessments, Health and Safety documentation,
HMO registration, References form other Local Authorities that use the
provider, visit the provision and information held by the Commissioning
Alliance if the provider is on the Dynamic Purchasing Vehicle.
Who are the current providers you use for 18+ unstaffed accommodation ? 
Due to the sensitivity of this information concerning safeguarding and
commercial considerations, it cannot be disclosed.

If you are dissatisfied with the way, in which your request has been
handled or the outcome, you may request an internal review within two
calendar months of the date of this response by writing to the following

Freedom of Information
Brent Civic Centre
Engineers Way

[6][email address]

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request or internal
review, you have a right to appeal directly to the Information
Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be
contacted at:

The Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Phone: 0303 123 1113
Website: [7]www.ico.org.uk

I will now close your request as of the date of this letter. 

Yours sincerely 
S. Mccarthy
Performance Manager


The use of Brent Council's e-mail system may be monitored and
communications read in order to secure effective operation of the system
and other lawful purposes.


Visible links
2. mailto:[email address]
3. https://www.brent.gov.uk/your-council
4. https://commissioningalliance.co.uk/abou...
5. https://explore-education-statistics.ser...
6. mailto:[email address]
7. http://www.ico.org.uk/

We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Cherish please sign in and let everyone know.