16-18 Students

The request was successful.

Dear Westcliff High School for Girls,

I would like to request the following information:

- The number of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 presently enrolled.

-The breakdown of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 enrolled by qualification, i.e.
- The number of students studying 3 A levels
- The number of students studying 4 A levels
- The number of students studying 1 Level 1 BTEC
- The number of students studying 2 Level 1 BTECs
- The number of students studying 1 Level 2 BTEC
- The number of students studying 1 A level and 1 Level 1 BTEC
etc, for all combinations of qualifications studied in the sixth form.

Yours faithfully,

Felix Johnson

general enquiries, Westcliff High School for Girls

Many thanks for your email.
The school is now closed for the Easter Holidays.
The office will be open between 9.00am-3.00pm
This mailbox will be checked throughout the holiday but if your email is of an urgent nature, please call the school on 01702 476026.
Kind regards
Mrs Mansfield

selina arthur, Westcliff High School for Girls

Dear Felix
Please see below the information that you requested regarding our Sixth

4 A levels 52
4 A levels + Level 3  17
3 A levels 126
3 A levels + AS 12
3 A levels + Level 3  151
3 A levels + AS + Level 3 3
2 A levels + AS 9
Number of 6th Form Students 370
currently enrolled:

Please note that where we have stated 'Level 3' this relates to an
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).
I trust that this is in order, but if you require any further assistance
please let me know.
Kind regards
Selina Arthur
Pastoral Support Coordinator
WHSG Sixth Form
Westcliff High School For Girls
Kenilworth Gardens
Tel 01702 476026 ext 256
email: [1][email address]

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