16-18 Students

The request was successful.

Dear St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea,

I would like to request the following information:

- The number of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 presently enrolled.

-The breakdown of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 enrolled by qualification, i.e.
- The number of students studying 3 A levels
- The number of students studying 4 A levels
- The number of students studying 1 Level 1 BTEC
- The number of students studying 2 Level 1 BTECs
- The number of students studying 1 Level 2 BTEC
- The number of students studying 1 A level and 1 Level 1 BTEC
etc, for all combinations of qualifications studied in the sixth form.

Yours faithfully,

Felix Johnson

MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations), St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea


Dear F Johnson


Re Freedom of information request


With regards to your freedom of information request we are able to provide
the replies below


- The number of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 presently
enrolled.    238


-The breakdown of students in the sixth form aged 16-18 enrolled by
qualification, i.e.

- The number of students studying 3 A levels       177

- The number of students studying 4 A levels       7

- The number of students studying 1 Level 1 BTEC             

- The number of students studying 2 Level 1 BTECs           

- The number of students studying 1 Level 2 BTEC              0

- The number of students studying 1 A level and 1 Level 1 BTEC etc, for
all combinations of   qualifications studied in the sixth form. 0


If you are unhappy with my reply, you may ask for it to be reviewed by
contacting Miss N Parr Clerk to the Governors   -
[1][email address]

If you are unhappy with the academy’s decision, you have a right to refer
this matter to the Information Commissioner at:  

The Information Commissioner's Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane





Telephone:   0303-123-1113 or 01625-545745


There is no charge for making a referral.




M Westpfel

Director of Finance & Operations

St Thomas More High School

Direct Dial 01702 606765


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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations),

I would like to seek clarification, as you state you have 238 sixth form students enrolled however only 184 of these are accounted for in the breakdown of courses studied?

Yours sincerely,

Felix Johnson

MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations), St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea

We have checked the information and it is correct

show quoted sections

Dear Mrs Westpfel (Director of Finance and Operations),

To clarify my request, I was requesting the totals for all qualification types presently studied; the list provided was just an example of some possible combinations. It would appear from your website, for example, that you have a number of students studying L3 BTECs. Would you be able to provide these details additionally?

Yours sincerely,

Felix Johnson

MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations), St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea

Dear F Johnson

We have answered the information as per your Freedom of Information Request if this is not the information that you require could you please send a further request clearly stating what information it is that you wish us to provide in order that we can provide the information without taking an unreasonable amount of time for staff or the risk of us providing the wrong information.


M Westpfel

show quoted sections

Dear St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea's handling of my FOI request '16-18 Students'.

This request has been dealt with in an unreasonable manner. My original request included "etc, for all combinations of qualifications studied in the sixth form." It would appear that this has been overlooked, and subsequent attempts to reclarify have been very bluntly refused. As I'm sure you're aware, according to sections 8 through 10 of the Code of practice on the discharge of public authorities functions under part 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, public bodies should provide reasonable assistance in helping applicants to clarify their requests. I'm afraid I do not understand why my request was not clear, and do not feel I have been provided with adequate assistance to understand why, either.

This wording was clearly understood by South Essex College in this request https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/1....

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/1...

Yours faithfully,

Felix Johnson

MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations), St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea

Dear F Johnson


Further to your email to the main office the only other data we are able
to provide with regards to subjects taken is detailed below


Subject Year Year Total
13 12
Art 2 6 8
Biology 20 10 30
Business -
Level 3 9 12 21
Btec ICT-
Level 3 2 9 11
Level 3 9 5 14
Business S 37 36 73
Chemistry 16 10 26
Computer S 7 8 15
D&T RM 4 15 19
English 25 13 38
English Lt 15 18 33
EPQ 31 -- 31
Gen Re 123 115 238
Geography 23 24 47
Geology 25 13 38
Gov &
Politics -- 24 24
History 12 15 27
Maths 16 25 41
Media St 23 18 41
P. E. 6 4 10
Physics 13 8 21
Psychology 40 40 80
R.E. 19 15 34
Spanish 2 1 3


If you are unhappy with my reply, you may ask for it to be reviewed by 
contacting Miss N Parr Clerk to the Governors   - 
[email address]


If you are unhappy with the academy’s decision, you have a right to refer 
this matter to the Information Commissioner at:  




The Information Commissioner's Office


Wycliffe House


Water Lane










Telephone:   0303-123-1113 or 01625-545745




There is no charge for making a referral.



M Westpfel

Director of Finance & Operations

St Thomas More High School

Direct Dial 01702 606765


show quoted sections

Felix Johnson left an annotation ()

I am referring this to the ICO for their bad practice and failure to properly internally review.

MWESTPFEL (Director of Finance and Operations), St. Thomas More High School, Westcliff-on-Sea

Dear Mr Johnson,


We have revisited you request and provide you with the following
information in response to your request under the FOIA.

| 16 – 18 Qualification combination 2018-2019 | Number of students |
| Any L1 BTEC | 0 |
| Any L2 BTEC | 0 |
| 0 A level and 1 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 0 A level and 2 L3 BTEC | 5 |
| 0 A level and 3 L3 BTEC | 2 |
| 1 A level and 1 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 1 A level and 2 L3 BTEC | 25 |
| 1 A Level and 3 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 2 A levels and 1 L3 BTEC | 7 |
| 2 A levels and 2 L3 BTEC | 1 |
| 2 A levels and 3 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 3 A levels and 1 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 3 A level and 2 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 3 A level and 3 L3 BTEC | 0 |
| 1 A level | 4 |
| 2 A level | 10 |
| 3 A level | 177 |
| 4 A level | 7 |

Total students: 238

If you are unhappy with the academy’s decision, you have a right to refer
this matter to the Information Commissioner at:

Case Reference Number FS50841746

Case Officer

Information Commissioner’s Office,

Wycliffe House,

Water Lane,


Cheshire SK9 5AF




M Westpfel

Director of Finance & Operations

St Thomas More High School

Direct Dial 01702 606765


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