16-18 Students
Dear South Essex College,
I would like to request the following information:
- The number of students aged 16-18 presently enrolled at Southend Campus.
-The breakdown of students in aged 16-18 enrolled at Southend Campus by qualification, i.e.
- The number of students studying 3 A levels
- The number of students studying 4 A levels
- The number of students studying 1 Level 1 BTEC
- The number of students studying 2 Level 1 BTECs
- The number of students studying 1 Level 2 BTEC
- The number of students studying 1 A level and 1 Level 1 BTEC
etc, for all combinations of qualifications studied by this group.
Yours faithfully,
Felix Johnson
Your message to [email address] couldn't be
Ian.Stickland wasn't found at essexsharedservices.co.uk.
request-567313-f8160. . . Office 365 Ian.Stickland
Action Required Recipient
Unknown To address
How to Fix It
The address may be misspelled or may not exist. Try one or more of the
* Send the message again following these steps: In Outlook, open this
non-delivery report (NDR) and choose Send Again from the Report
ribbon. In Outlook on the web, select this NDR, then select the link
"To send this message again, click here." Then delete and retype the
entire recipient address. If prompted with an Auto-Complete List
suggestion don't select it. After typing the complete address, click
* Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) to check that the
address exists and is correct.
* The recipient may have set up email forwarding to an incorrect
address. Ask them to check that any forwarding they've set up is
working correctly.
* Clear the recipient Auto-Complete List in Outlook or Outlook on the
web by following the steps in this article: [1]Fix email delivery
issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365, and then send the message
again. Retype the entire recipient address before selecting Send.
If the problem continues, forward this message to your email admin. If
you're an email admin, refer to the More Info for Email Admins section
Was this helpful? [2]Send feedback to Microsoft.
More Info for Email Admins
Status code: 550 5.1.10
This error occurs because the sender sent a message to an email address
hosted by Office 365 but the address is incorrect or doesn't exist at the
destination domain. The error is reported by the recipient domain's email
server, but most often it must be fixed by the person who sent the
message. If the steps in the How to Fix It section above don't fix the
problem, and you're the email admin for the recipient, try one or more of
the following:
The email address exists and is correct - Confirm that the recipient
address exists, is correct, and is accepting messages.
Synchronize your directories - If you have a hybrid environment and are
using directory synchronization make sure the recipient's email address is
synced correctly in both Office 365 and in your on-premises directory.
Errant forwarding rule - Check for forwarding rules that aren't behaving
as expected. Forwarding can be set up by an admin via mail flow rules or
mailbox forwarding address settings, or by the recipient via the Inbox
Rules feature.
Recipient has a valid license - Make sure the recipient has an Office 365
license assigned to them. The recipient's email admin can use the Office
365 admin center to assign a license (Users > Active Users > select the
recipient > Assigned License > Edit).
Mail flow settings and MX records are not correct - Misconfigured mail
flow or MX record settings can cause this error. Check your Office 365
mail flow settings to make sure your domain and any mail flow connectors
are set up correctly. Also, work with your domain registrar to make sure
the MX records for your domain are configured correctly.
For more information and additional tips to fix this issue, see [3]Fix
email delivery issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365.
Original Message Details
Created Date: 4/10/2019 11:54:43 AM
Sender Address: [FOI #567313 email]
Recipient Address: [email address]
Subject: Freedom of Information request - 16-18 Students
Error Details
Reported 550 5.1.10 RESOLVER.ADR.RecipientNotFound; Recipient
error: [email address] not
found by SMTP address lookup
Message Hops
4/10/2019 local (Exim 4.89) (envelope-from
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4/10/2019 esmtps (TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256)
2 11:54:43 owl.ukcod.org.uk bittern.ukcod.org.uk (Exim 4.89) (envelope-from *
AM <[FOI #567313 email]>)
4/10/2019 Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
3 11:54:43 mailer103.ukcod.org.uk DB5EUR03FT006.mail.protection.outlook.com cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) *
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4 11:54:44 DB5EUR03FT006.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com LO2P265CA0440.outlook.office365.com cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384) 1 sec
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6 11:54:46 GBR01-LO2-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com LRD-VS12-MAIL.staff.southend.ac.uk Microsoft SMTP Server (TLS) 2 sec
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7 11:54:46 LRD-VS12-MAIL.staff.southend.ac.uk LRD-PS12-MAIL1.staff.southend.ac.uk cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256_P256) *
4/10/2019 Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
8 11:54:47 mail.southessex.ac.uk AM5EUR03FT003.mail.protection.outlook.com cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256) 1 sec
4/10/2019 Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
9 11:54:47 AM5EUR03FT003.eop-EUR03.prod.protection.outlook.com LO2P265CA0458.outlook.office365.com cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384) *
4/10/2019 Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
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by LNXP265MB1195.GBRP265.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM (2603:10a6:600:78::10) with
Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2,
cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.1792.15; Wed, 10 Apr
2019 11:54:47 +0000
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cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA384) id 15.20.1792.14 via Frontend
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Transport; Wed, 10 Apr 2019 11:54:44 +0000
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(Exim 4.89)
(envelope-from <[FOI #567313 email]>)
id 1hEBoR-00025E-FH
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for [South Essex College request email]; Wed, 10 Apr 2019 12:54:43 +0100
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 12:54:43 +0100
From: Felix Johnson <[FOI #567313 email]>
To: FOI requests at South Essex College <[South Essex College request email]>
Message-ID: <[email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - 16-18 Students
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Sent request to South Essex College again, using a new contact address.
Hello Felix,
Thank you for your enquiry, it has been passed on to the Freedom of Information Department.
Kind regards
Karen Lowe
Customer Adviser
South Essex College
Southend Campus | Luker Road | Southend on Sea | Essex | SS1 1ND
T: 0345 52 12345
Hello Felix
Dear Felix
Please find data below in response to your request:
We have no students doing 4 A Levels or 2 Level 1 BTECs from the list
|Linda ||
|Lovell ||
| ||
|to ||
|Anthony ||
|McGarel, ||
|Deputy ||
|& Chief ||
||South |
||Essex |
||College |
|| |
||Campus ||
||Luker |
||Road | |
||on Sea ||
||Essex | |
||SS1 1ND |
|| |
||T: 0345 |
||52 12345|
||| |
||Ext: |
||01702 |
||220483 |
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