Dear Mr A Lightfoot, Thank you for your email regarding the above FOI request. Please find the answers in italics to your following questions: a) ...
Dear Gareth Jackson, Please find information the following information as per FOI request: •       Who is your print and copier supplier: Dataspire /...
Dear C Hughes, Our responses are below 1. Any application you made in 2019 or 2020 to be a “Stonewall Diversity Champion” or to be included on Sto...
Teaching staff
Follow up sent to Ysgol John Bright, Llandudno by N Haslam on .


Ysgol John Bright E-mailed the response instead. Further to your request, I reply as follows: 1. For the months of January, February and March, th...
Dear N Davies, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT 2000 - INFORMATION REQUEST RE “I wish to know please how much the agency New Directions charges your  sc...
Use of unqualified staff
Response by Ysgol John Bright, Llandudno to Richard Knights on .


In reply to the following request: From: Richard Knights <[1][FOI #451841 email]> Date: 11 December 2017 at 05:39 Subject: Freedom of Information re...

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