Yorkshire Forward

A defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

17 requests
I would like all information (including meeting minutes, salaries of YFM appointed directors, and any other records) relating to the running of and eve...
I would like all information (including meeting minutes, salaries of YFM appointed directors, and any other records) relating to the running of and eve...
Legal Agreements
Request to Yorkshire Forward by Richard Killip. Annotated by Richard Killip on .

Partially successful

Further correspondence from the ICO: // PROTECT 27 November 2012 Reference: FS50445364 Dear Mr Killip Thank you for your email of 19 Novembe...
Plaque on the Bradford Odeon
Request to Yorkshire Forward by Richard Killip. Annotated by Richard Killip on .

Long overdue

The ICO have informed me that they are unable to investigate this complaint due to the abolition of Yorkshire Forward. Their correspondence is reproduc...
Premium paid for the Bradford Odeon
Request to Yorkshire Forward by Richard Killip. Annotated by Richard Killip on .


I have referred this matter to the Office of the Information Commissioner with the following narrative: I requested a copy of the development agreeme...
Venture Capital & Private Equity Holdings
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Jo Downs on .

Information not held

Dear Ms. Downs,   I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, in which you requested info...
IT Support Services
Response by Yorkshire Forward to John Wicker on .


Dear Mr. Wicker, I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, in which you requested infor...
Corporate Gifts and Hospitality
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Richard Killip on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr. Killip, As stated in our response, Yorkshire Forward holds records from the financial year 2006/07 we do not, therefore, hold any other recor...
Follow up sent to Yorkshire Forward by Richard Killip on .


Dear Rachel Thank you for your reply. Please accept my apologies for not being as explicit as I possibly could have been in my request. Notwiths...
Odeon cinema building, Bradford
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Richard Killip on .

Partially successful

To view the information save all the files to one folder then open up the zip file first, I'm reliably informed that you will be able to access all t...
Digital Region
Response by Yorkshire Forward to James Burke on .


Dear Mr. Burke, I write in response to your Freedom of Information Request concerning Digital Region and apologise for the unusual delay in respon...
Funding for NCGE Over Past 5 Years
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Simon Harpin on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr. Harpin, I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 in which you requested t...
Bradford Odeon
Request to Yorkshire Forward by Tom Adams. Annotated by Tom Adams on .


The password is "Yorkshire2!" (without the quotes). The standard unzip utility in Linux did not work, I had to use p7zip.
EU Cohesion Funding data
Request to Yorkshire Forward by Jonathan Gray. Annotated by John Cross on .


It looks as if this request was used as one of the sources for this webpage: http://www.ckan.net/package/read/eu-cohesion-beneficiaries-uk
Regional Economic Council Meetings
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Sam Urquhart on .


Dear Mr. Urquhart, I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, in which you requeste...
Dear Mr. Buckley, I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, in which you requested...
Expenditure on Coprorate Hospitality
Response by Yorkshire Forward to Rob Shorrock on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr. Shorrock, I write in response to your request for information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, in which you requeste...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?