Dear Mrs Cummings
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information relating t...
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request for information received on 03 February
concerning litter and dog fouling figures for 2019. This reque...
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request for information, below.
What software do you use for Environmental Crime Enforcement (Issue and processing...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information.This request
has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 200...
Dear Mr Kennedy,
Thank you for your request for information below. We have dealt with your
request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000....
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for the rough sleeper outr...
Good morning
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for homelessness, which I rece...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for [1]vacant properties h...
Good morning
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for public sector pay inequali...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for court summons and liabil...
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request for information, below, which I received on 26
I am writing to inform you that we are not...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for electoral registers, w...
Dear Mr Jennings
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of Information Act 2000 for Fleet Engineer / Worksho...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for Correspondence referri...
Good afternoon Bobby
Thank you for your request for information regarding waste enforcement statistics 2019.
From March 2013 Wycombe and Chiltern Dis...
Apologies for the delay in reponse. All IT is outsourced to capita (this
include storage) Can I refer you to
Good afternoon
Thank you for your request for information, below, which I received on 3
I am writing to inform you that the informatio...
Good morning
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000, below, which I received on 13...
Good morning
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000, below, which I received on 7...
Dear Rowan
I am writing in connection with your request for information about enforcement of scrap metal dealers which I received on 26 February 2020....
Good afternoon
After making enquiries I can confirm there have been no further meetings with the CAB in the month since our response to your request a...
For the attention of Jack Conway
Further to your request for information relating to empty commercial
properties in the Wycombe District Council a...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information under the
Freedom of information Act 2000 for overseas trips, which...
Good afternoon
I am writing in connection with your request for information. This request
has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 20...
Dear Mr Price
As Wycombe District Council is a non stock owning authority, I am unable to assist you with your enquiry regarding former tenant arrears...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.