West Midlands Public Health Observatory
A public health observatory and a defunct authority, also called WMPHO
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
3 requests
1 follower
Haem Files
Follow up sent to West Midlands Public Health Observatory by JJ Evans on .
Withdrawn by the requester
Please respond to this FOI request which is now overdue by law.
Yours faithfully,
JJ Evans
Suicide and undetermined injury years life lost
Response by West Midlands Public Health Observatory to Terry Rigby on .
Awaiting classification
Please find attached Public Health England’s response to your request for
Public Information Access Team
Public Hea...
Girls under 14 sectioned
Response by West Midlands Public Health Observatory to Sophie on .
Long overdue
We have responded to this request under whatdotheyknow request
Thank you
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?