Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust

A part of the National Health Service, an NHS trust and a defunct authority

This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.

19 requests
From: Holloway Fiona Sent: 22 August 2011 10:22 To: '[FOI #80507 email]' Subject: FoI 20 7 11 425 Dear Mr Silberrad Please see attached our re...
Agency Staffing
Response by Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust to Rob Charlton on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Charlton   Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI.  We apologise for not submitting within the time...
Dear Ms McWilliams Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI. Regards Fiona Holloway Admin Support Winc...
Dear Mr Mason Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI. Regards Fiona Holloway Admin Support Winches...
Dear Mr Haywood Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI. Regards Fiona Holloway Admin Support Winch...
From: Holloway Fiona Sent: 08 February 2011 09:40 To: 'Steve McElveen ' Subject: Re FoI 31 1 11 332 Dear Mr McElveen Please see attached our...
From: Holloway Fiona Sent: 13 December 2010 14:25 To: '[FOI #54639 email]' Subject: Re FoI 13 12 10 305 Dear Mr Gaffney Please see attached...
Dear Mr Boag With regard to your request for information made under FoI. We do not record visits to A&E as to how their condition/injury took place w...
Employee Absence

Partially successful

Dear Mr Appleby Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI Regards Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Suppor...
Dear Mr Appleby We suggest you contact: [email address] tel: 01252 335141 Regards Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Support Corporate Office Winchester &...
Dear Fiona, Many thanks Yours sincerely, Robert Christian
Dear Mr Appleby Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI Regards Fiona Hollowayf...
Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI. Regards Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Support, Corporate Office Win...
Dear Mr Ogden Please see attached our reply to your request for informatino made under FoI Fiona Holloway Admin Support, Corporate Office Winches...
Dear Mr Marshall Please see attached our reply to your request for information made under FoI. Regards Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Support, Corp...
Response by Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust to Robert Clark on .


Apologies I made an error in your address Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Support, Corporate Office Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust Royal...
Dear Dr Bhatia The Patient Liaison Service have forwarded me your email requesting an internal review following your recent FOI request. As Execut...
Febrile Neutropenia
Response by Winchester and Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust to Robert Clark on .

Information not held

Dear Mr Clark Please find attached th reply to your FoI query. I hope this is helpful to you Regards Fiona Fiona Holloway Admin Support, Corpora...
Dear Dr Bhatia I can now advise you that we have received the information we were waiting on to respond to your Freedom of Information. This is now at...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?