Managed Print Contract
Request sent to Weymouth College by Harry Peterson on .

Awaiting response

Please could you populate the following information with regards to your Managed Print Contract at the college: 1.Please state who your supplier is fo...
Access control systems
Follow up sent to Weymouth College by K York on .

Long overdue

I am following up on a Freedom of Information request that was made on September 4th, 2024. By law, the request should have been answered promptly an...
Agency Spend
Follow up sent to Weymouth College by Amelia Flanagan on .

Long overdue

Please may you respond to my FOI request regarding Agency Spend as this is now overdue. Thanks very much in advance! Kind Regards Amelia Flanagan
Agency Spend Academic Year 23/24
Request sent to Weymouth College by Charlotte Reay on .

Long overdue

Please provide your agency spend for academic year 23/24 broken down by agency and department. Yours faithfully, Charlotte Reay
Hi Harry   Please see attached our organisational structure.   We do not currently have any of these positions vacant and do not have any plan...
Management Structure and Contacts
Response by Weymouth College to Tony Payne on .

Awaiting classification

Hi Tony   Please see attached our organisational structure.   Email details below:   Julia Howe [1][email address] Alison Lydon [2][email...
Agency Spend 22/23
Response by Weymouth College to Lauren Eden on .


Dear Lauren, Please find Weymouth College agency cost details as requested. 2022/23 academic year Temporary recruitment  Kind regards Rob Rob Co...
Student transport services
Response by Weymouth College to S Knight on .


Herewith response as requested.   Sue Ratcliffe​​ Clerk to the Corporation ,  Weymouth College [1][IMG] t: [2]01305 764742 [8][IMG] e: [3][email...
21/22 Recruitment Agency Spend
Response by Weymouth College to Gordon Freeman on .


Morning, would you please confirm receipt of the data as requested and sent yesterday? Thanks. Sue Get [1]Outlook for Android Sue Ratcliffe​ Cl...
Agency Spend
Response by Weymouth College to Amber Watts on .

Partially successful

Hello Here is the information you request: £43,602.13 spent on Agencies (on Professional Services) in 2020/21. All of this was temporary. Regards Su...
Recruitment and retention: British Muslims
Response by Weymouth College to [Name Removed] on .


Further to your request below: Recruitment and retention: British Muslims  1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide...
Trainee teacher NQT data request.
Response by Weymouth College to Luke Jacob on .


Dear Luke,   Weymouth College as a College of further education does not have any trainee teachers or NQT placements.  \Therefore the informatio...
Quiet room
Response by Weymouth College to Jack E R Godfrey on .

Partially successful

Dear Jack,   Due to where the quiet room was located, close to examination rooms, the senior leadership team agreed to a proposal to re located th...
Managers List
Response by Weymouth College to Tanya Flowers on .


Good Morning, Herewith Structure Charts as requested. Sue Sue Ratcliffe Clerk to the Corporation Weymouth College 01305 764742 [email address] Wey...
Agency Spend 2020/21
Response by Weymouth College to Debbie Sharpe on .

Partially successful

Herewith information requested,   All costs are temporary. Frontline Recruitment Weymouth Ltd - £6,457.62 (Carpentry & Joinery) Education Staff...
IT Print and PC Supplier
Response by Weymouth College to Matthew Varns on .

Long overdue

Dear Matthew, I acknowledge receipt of your email below and can see searching your name through LinkedIn that you are a sales executive for (HP) Hewle...
Agency Spend 20/21
Response by Weymouth College to James Smith on .

Long overdue

Herewith details of Agency Spend as requested. Best Wishes Sue Ratcliffe Clerk to the Corporation Weymouth College Cranford Avenue, Weymouth Dorset...
Staff Organogram
Response by Weymouth College to Coral Handley on .


Hello, Please find attached our College chart as requested. Best Wishes Sue Ratcliffe Clerk to the Corporation Weymouth College Cranford Avenue, Wey...
Advertising and Agency Spend
Response by Weymouth College to Coral Handley on .


Hello Coral, Thanks for your message requesting information under the FOIA,  I apologise for the delay but you will appreciate the current lock down...
organogram Structure char
Response by Weymouth College to Ellie on .

Long overdue

Hello,   I acknowledge your request under the FOIA, , but I cannot provide this for you at present, the College is closed due to Government guidel...
Agency Spend 2019-2020
Request sent to Weymouth College by Ellie on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide me with your total agency spend so far in the 2019/2020 academic year along with a breakdown of which agencies that have been us...
MFD and Printer Contract
Request sent to Weymouth College by Sally Phillips on .

Long overdue

Please could you provide the following information with regards to your current printing expenditure: 1. Current contract details? a. Photocopiers/...
IT investment
Request sent to Weymouth College by Mr Tapper on .

Long overdue

This is a formal FOI request. Please would you provide me with the amount of money that has been invested into IT equipment within the last 3 years,...
Spend on recruitment agencies in 2017, 18 & 19
Response by Weymouth College to Mr Robey on .

Long overdue

I am on leave until 13 August and will answer your message on my return.
Agency Spend 2018/2019
Request sent to Weymouth College by Lauren Beaumont on .

Long overdue

Please can you provide me with your total agency spend so far in the 2018/2019 academic year along with a breakdown of which agencies that have been us...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?