Dear Karl McMichael
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel. We are a committee that scrutinises the decisions and actions of the...
Dear Aashmi Bhattarai
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel we do not hold
the information that you have requested.
Thank you for your email. We aim to provide a response within 5 working
The role of the Panel is to scrutinise the strategic plans, budget...
Dear Rhi Storer
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel. We do not
hold the information that you have requested.
The Panel is...
I wish to make an FOI request, as set out under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Please can your organisation provide in Excel CSV format, the f...
Dear Aharon Shimon
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel we do not hold
the information that you have requested.
The Panel i...
Dear Taylor Willis
Thank you for your request.
West Midlands Police and Crime Panel is a body that scrutinises the work of the Police and Crime Commi...
Dear LA Jordon
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel we do not hold
the information that you have requested.
The Pan...
Dear LA Jordon
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel we do not hold
the information that you have requested.
The Pan...
Dear LA Jordon
You have contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel we do not hold
the information that you have requested.
The Pan...
Dear Mr Hall
Thank you for your request.
We do not hold the information that you have requested.
The West Midlands Police and Crime P...
Dear L.A. Jourdan
Thank you for your request.
The information you have requested is not held by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.
Dear L.A. Jourdan
Thank you for your request.
The information you have requested is not held by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.
Dear L.A. Jourdan
Thank you for your request.
The information you have requested is not held by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel.
Dear Mr Lederman
Thank you for your request.
The information you have requested is not held by the West Midlands Police
and Crime Panel.
Public Authority Websites have a nasty habit of deleting stories.For the record here is the 2001 article from North East Regional Special Operations Un...
Dear Mr Jarvis
In response to your question, no employees are subject to the Official Secrets Act.
Dear Mr Mann
You contacted the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel on 23 February 2018 to request information using the Freedom of Information Act le...
Dear Mr Blackstock
Thank you for your request; however the Panel does not deal with operational policing matters and therefore does not hold any infor...
The Police and Crime Panel does not hold that information.
You will need to contact West Midlands Police
Dear Mr Rouf
As the information you requested is not held by the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel you may wish to contact Birmingham City Council....
Dear Mr Lynch
The Police and Crime Panel does not hold that information.
You will need to contact West Midlands Police at
The Police and Crime Panel does not hold that data. You should contact West Midlands Police directly
Best wishes
Benita Wishart
Mr Majid
This is not information that the West Midlands Police and Crime Panel holds.
Best wishes
Benita Wishart
West Midlands Police and...
Please find attached below a Freedom of Information Request that was sent to the Panel in error.
I have notified Mr Rees that the Panel does not hold...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown.