Could you please point me to the summary information regarding your establishment's progress on phasing out animals in basic/fundamental and applied re...
wonkHE expenditure
Response by University of Northampton to Karl on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI 02726   Dear Mr Bond, Thank you for your information request dated 11/1/2025. How much you have spent with WonkHE ltd in the last...
Our ref: FOI 02703   Dear Ann-Marie, Thank you for your information request dated 12 Nov 2024. 1. How do you procure construction contractors A...
Our ref:  02164/FoI/17.02.22    15^th March 2022   Dear Laura   I write in response to your request for information dated 17^th February 2...
Animals used in Non-Regulatory Procedures
Response by University of Northampton to caroline betts on .

Information not held

Our ref: FOI 02678   Dear Caroline,   Thank you for your information request dated 21^st September 2024.Please find below our response. 1. C...
Links to Israeli Universities
Response by University of Northampton to Beth Appleton on .


Our ref: FOI 02672   Dear Beth,   Thank you for your information request dated 10^th September 2024. Please find our response below.   Wha...
Response by University of Northampton to Liberty Investigates on .


Hello,   Apologies. Please see the attachments.   Kind regards,   FOI Team University of Northampton University...
Investments in Arms Industry
Response by University of Northampton to Beth Appleton on .


Our ref: FOI 02671   Dear Beth ,   Thank you for your information request dated 10^th September 2024. Please find our response below.   Wh...
Projects with Arms Companies
Response by University of Northampton to Beth Appleton on .


Ref No: FOI 02672 Thank you for your request about Links to Israeli Universities. We will respond to you within 20 working days. If you have any...
Our ref: FOI 02653   Dear Andrew,   Thank you for your information request dated 13^th August 2024. Please find below our response.    ...
Meetings about protests
Response by University of Northampton to Liberty Investigates on .

Information not held

Dear Harriet Clugston   Please find our internal review response attached.   Yours sincerely Miriam     Miriam Lakin ACG Associate Di...
Student accommodation capacity and price
Response by University of Northampton to Jessica Sharkey on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI 02636   Dear Jessica,   Thank you for your information request dated 11th July. Please find our response as follows:     1. D...
Higher Education data: social media monitoring
Response by University of Northampton to Jen Persson on .

Partially successful

[1]cid:image001.png@01D4E948.C4552AE0     Our ref: 01801/FoI/03Jun20   1^st July 2020   Dear Jen Persson   I write in response to you...
Dear Mr Campbell,   We think that your request in relation to social media is being made with a view to securing or obtaining commercial advantage...
Dear Rob,   I write in response to your request dated 16^th May 2024.   1). In the academic year 2022-2023: A) How many students (institution...
Renewable energy use
Response by University of Northampton to Jamie Dixon on .


Dear Jamie,   I write in response to your FOI request dated 14^th May 2024. Our response is as follows:   1.Are you on a green/renewable energ...
Our ref: FOI 02611   Dear Mr Newman,   Thank you for your information request dated 11/5/2024.   I understand that you recently analysed th...
Graduate Outcomes
Response by University of Northampton to Mr Honeghan on .


Dear Mr Honeghan   Please find attached my response to your freedom of information request.   Yours sincerely Miriam Lakin     Miriam L...
University solar energy
Response by University of Northampton to Jamie Dixon on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI 02569   Dear Jamie,   Thank you for your information request dated 29/2/2024. Please find our response as follows:     1. How...
IT systems
Response by University of Northampton to Laura Williams on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Laura,   Our Ref: FOI 02555   Thank you for your information request dated 15^th February 2024.   Your Request 1. Please provide the...
Cardiopulmonary Test Equipment
Response by University of Northampton to Mr Jason Alexander on .


Our ref: FOI 02528   Dear Mr Alexander,   Thank you for your information request dated 9 Jan 2024.    Please find our response as follows: ...
Ransomware attacks on UK universities
Response by University of Northampton to Rebecca Moody on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI 025636   Dear Rebecca,   Thank you for your information request dated 23^rd January 2024.   Your Request 1. In the last 5 ye...
Management of Corporate Property and Asset Information
Response by University of Northampton to Samuel Perryman on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: FOI 02522   Dear Samuel,   Thank you for your information request dated 14/12/2023. Please find our response as follows:     1. H...
Temporary Agency Recruitment 2023
Response by University of Northampton to Vanesa Falcon on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI 02501   Dear Vanesa,   Thank you for your information request dated 8/11/2023.    We provided partial response to you on 1/12/...
Our ref: FOI 02515   Dear Ms Chhabra,   Thank you for your information request dated 1/12/2023.    Please find our response below. Please n...

Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?