wonkHE expenditure
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Karl ar .


Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Karl Bond...
Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Ann-Marie...
Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Linda Bir...
Apprenticeship e-portfolio
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Richard Cookson ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Richard Coo...
Encampment Cost
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Thomas Wilson ar .


Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Thomas Wils...
Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Ayolola Eni...
Students Union Meetings
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i P Gibson ar .


Dear P. Gibson, I am writing in regards to the internal review which you requested in relation to your Freedom of Information request dated 22 Octob...
NewsGuard Correspondence
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i D Jackson ar .


Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim D Jackson [...
Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Caroline Be...
Investments in Arms Industry
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Beth Appleton ar .


Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Beth Applet...
Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Romy James...
Projects with Arms Companies
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Beth Appleton ar .


Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Beth Appl...
Links to Israeli Universities
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Beth Appleton ar .


Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Beth Applet...
FOI Request Bank & Insurance providers
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Andrew John Taylor ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Andrew Jo...
Meetings about protests
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Liberty Investigates ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Hi Harriet, Thanks for your email. I can confirm there had been no further emails from the 16th May until 31 May. The redacted document covers the pe...
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Liberty Investigates ar .

Gwybodaeth ddim yn cael ei gadw

Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Harriet C...
Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim David Cam...
Medicine course admissions data
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i safiya ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Safiya Baig...
Facts about the University
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i whitney moriza ar .


Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Whitney Mor...
Student accommodation capacity and price
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Jessica Sharkey ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Jessica S...
Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Philip Mans...
Renewable energy use
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Jamie Dixon ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Jamie Dixon...
Training provisions for Academic Integrity
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Rob Keasley ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

Good morning, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Rob Keasley...
Telephony and storage
Ymateb gan University of Lincoln i Philip Mansfield ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

Good afternoon, Please find attached the University of Lincoln’s response to your recent Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Tim Philip Ma...
Widening Participation Schemes/ Programmes
Dilynol a anfonwyd at University of Lincoln gan J Sullivan ar .


Dear Tim, Thank you to you and all the staff involved in providing the information requested. Yours sincerely, J Sullivan

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