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Ransomware attacks on secondary schools in England
Request sent to The Cherwell School, Oxford by Rebecca Moody on .
Long overdue
Please find below my FOI request regarding ransomware attacks on the school/college.
1. In the last 5 years, how many times has your school/college s...
Anonymised GCSE Results for 2022 Year 11 cohort
Response by The Cherwell School, Oxford to N General on .
Please find the anonymised data requested attached.
Caroline Fawson
Data Manager
The Cherwell School | Marston Ferry Road | Oxford...
Mean number and standard deviation of 8s and 9s (combined) 2022
Response by The Cherwell School, Oxford to N General on .
Partially successful
Dear Mr General
Due to the Easter holidays, school was shut from 31st March until 17th
April. We can confirm receipt of the email and now that our...
Number of pupils living in catchment area
Response by The Cherwell School, Oxford to K Griffiths on .
Partially successful
Dear K Griffiths
Thank you for your email.
I am afraid that we do not have a report which allows us to compare addresses at the time of application t...
Dear Mr Aumar
The information you were sent previously was from a colleague who no longer works at the school. We don't keep this information in this...
Unconscious biased training
Response by The Cherwell School, Oxford to Ms Brown on .
Information not held
Dear Ms Brown
Thank you for your email.
I can confirm that we do not have an Unconscious Biased Policy in place and as such, we do not have specific...
Unconscious biased training
Request sent to The Cherwell School, Oxford by Ms Brown on .
Long overdue
I would like to know whether you have an Unconscious Biased policy in place for your teachers. I would also like to know whether you have any training...
In year admissions query
Follow up sent to The Cherwell School, Oxford by James Halinson on .
Long overdue
Could I please have an update on the status of the request.
Yours faithfully,
James Halinson
In year admissions
Follow up sent to The Cherwell School, Oxford by James Halinson on .
Long overdue
I was just wondering if you have had the chance to look at this request.
Thanks for your assistance
James Halinson
Number of pupils admitted per primary school
Response by The Cherwell School, Oxford to James Halinson on .
Dear Mr Halinson,
Thank you for your email and request for information. Please see attached
table giving the number of offers made against indi...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?