The Arthur Terry School
5 requests
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- unresolved requests
Sanctions related to uniform
Response by The Arthur Terry School to Steph Ademolu on .
Partially successful
Dear Ms Ademolu
Following on from your FOI request, please see below the figures for
behaviour points given for uniform infringements during the...
Dear Mr Cundick
Please find attached the information you have requested under the Freedom of Information act.
Kind regards
Jane Humphreys
Office Ma...
School uniform supplier details
Response by The Arthur Terry School to Steph Ademolu on .
Awaiting classification
Good Afternoon
Please see below the response to your Freedom of Information Request:
1) Two
2) Crested School Wear agreed to supply without requirem...
Information on facilities management service provision
Response by The Arthur Terry School to John Mann on .
Dear John Mann
Please see information requested below.
Kind regards
The Arthur Terry Learning Partnership
Yours faithfully,
karamat iqbal
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