SEND, FIS, ASC Directory
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Mathew Kipe ar .


To Mathew Kipe Re: FOI Request FOI008253 Please see the response to your FOI request below; Please can you provide the following information: -...
Dog Breeding Licences
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Martina ar .


[1]Swindon Borough Council Dear Martina Hogg, Case reference number: FOI003285 An update to your freedom of information request has been recorded...
Compliant on my address
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Christine De-Lacey ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

To Christine De-Lacey We have received your email requesting information about any complaints against your address in the last 40 years. As the data...
Telecare monitoring - in-house or outsourced provision
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Debra A ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Debra Re: FOI Request FOI007679 You submitted a FOI request in July asking for information on the provision of our assisted technology and moni...
Personal Budgets in Education 2025
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Sarah Lockwood ar .

Yn disgwyl am ateb

Dear Sarah Lockwood Case reference number: FOI008279 Thank you for your request. The Freedom of Information Act creates two general rights in rela...
Dear Lance Barker Case reference number: FOI008268 Thank you for your request. The Freedom of Information Act creates two general rights in relati...
Business Grants and Financial Support Data
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Jamie Dixon ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Jamie Dixon Re: FOI Request FOI008248 Please see the response to your FOI request below; Please could you provide the following information fo...
To Caroline Selman Re: FOI Request FOI007763   You submitted a FOI request in August 2024 asking for information regarding our organisation’s us...
Broken CCTV cameras
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Jamie Dixon ar .

Rhannol lwyddiannus

To Jamie Dixon Re: FOI Request FOI007928   Please see the response to your FOI request below;   1. Total number of CCTV cameras in public spa...
To Rebecca Hedges Re: FOI Request FOI008180 Please see the response to your FOI request below; - How many Educational Psychologists are currently...
Dear,   Re: Freedom of Information Request FOI008046   I acknowledge the receipt of your email request dated 06/11/2024 The council have a du...
Recruiting for cyber security roles
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Ian Mitchell ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Ian Mitchell Re: FOI Request FOI008150   Please see the response, in red, to your FOI request below;   When recruiting for cyber security...
To Bill Barnett Re: FOI Request FOI008127 Further to our email earlier today we have been given some additional figures for your information. Plea...
Mobile Parking Payment Solution
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Tim Macknelly ar .


To Tim Macknelly Re: FOI Request FOI008115 Please see the response to your FOI request below; 1. How many Car Parks do you operate? This informat...
To Jamie Dixon Re: FOI Request FOI008099   Please see the response to your FOI request below;   1. Playground Closures: The number of playgr...
Social Care and Education Request
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Anne Cleves ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Anne Cleeves Re: FOI Request FOI008023 Please find the response to your FOI request below; 1a) Who is the supplier of your current Children's...
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Fraser Knight ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Fraser Knight Re: FOI Request FOI008027   Please see the response to your FOI request below;   1.Between 1st January 2019 and 1st October...
Street lighting locations (latest, 2014, and 2010)
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Benjamin Butcher ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Benjamin Butcher Re: FOI Request FOI008059 Please see the response to your FOI request below; ·       - The most recent available data on stre...
Supported Housing
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Owain Jackson ar .


Dear  Owain Re: FOI Freedom of Information Request I acknowledge the receipt of your email that was received on 16^th September 2024.  The Counc...
LBC FOI request - Youth Centres and Youth Services
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Fraser Knight ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Louisa Jackson Re: FOI Request FOI008084   Please see the response to your FOI request below;   How many youth centres was the council ope...
Smoking and vaping product seizures
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Ella ar .


To Ella Re: FOI Request FOI006571 Please see below the response to your FOI request;     1st January 2023 > 1st November 2023 - How many un...
Open Space S106 Contributions
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Jayne Hall ar .

Yn disgwyl dosbarthiad

To Jayne Hall Re: FOI Request FOI006965 We apologise for the delay in providing the attached response to your FOI request regarding planning appli...
Elective Home Education
Ymateb gan Swindon Borough Council i Educational Freedom ar .


Dear Michelle,   Please see attached the response to your FOI.   If you are unhappy with the service you have received in relation to your req...
Dear Peter   Re: FOI Freedom of Information Request   Please find below the response to your request;   1) Which planning use class should...
FOI request - banking and insurance
Cais am adolygiad mewnol a anfonwyd at Swindon Borough Council gan Monika Nielsen ar .

Withdrawn by the requester

Dear Swindon Borough Council, Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews. I am writing to request an internal re...

Dim ond ceisiadau a wnaed gan ddefnyddio WhatDoTheyKnow a ddangosir. ?