Stourbridge College
A further educational institution and a defunct authority
This authority no longer exists, so you cannot make a request to it.
8 requests
- all requests
- successful requests
- unsuccessful requests
- unresolved requests
Graphic and Web Design Spend and Schedule
Response by Stourbridge College to Arthur Burns on .
Withdrawn by the requester
Please make a note of my new contact details:
E: [email address]
T: 0121 362 1110 or 01384 399660
M: 07436 162038
Dear Mags Winthrop,
Much better thank you so much
Yours sincerely,
Ash Patel
Hi Chris,
Curriculum Managers for Stourbridge College are as follows:
Andy Sylvester
Assistant Principal (Creative Industries, A Levels and Humanitie...
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am in receipt of your Freedom of Information request.
I can confirm that, as a Further Education College, we do not have any intern...
Expense claims of the Principal of Stourbridge College
Follow up sent to Stourbridge College by Adrian Butler on .
Partially successful
Dear Steven Cutler,
Thank you for your very helpful response.
I was hoping for a more detailed breakdown of itemised expense claims, but if your r...
We feel this is commercially sensitive information which we are not
obliged to share under the Act.
In future can all Freedom of Information request...
Transparency and openness in Further Education colleges
Response by Stourbridge College to M.J.Taylor on .
Partially successful
Prior to this we had 1 request from which
was responded to within appropriate timescales. The college has
only recently recei...
Senior Management Remuneration Packages
Follow up sent to Stourbridge College by Dhara Chaudhary on .
Partially successful
Dear Steven Cutler,
Many thanks for your response.
Unfortunately, part of your text was difficult to comprehend, probably due to technical issues...
Only requests made using WhatDoTheyKnow are shown. ?